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Serious bugs in JK2?


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My clan is getting a server today so I wrote a script for NF Saber only.


Here is the script...



// ///////////////////////////////

// NF FFA Sabs ///////////////////////////

// /////////////////////////////////




// SERVER ///////////////////////////////////



sets "Administrator" "[WD]ToRMeNt"

sets "Email" "savage@wdonline.com"

sets "URL" "www.wdonline.com"

sets "IRC Network" "irc.enterthegame.com"

sets "IRC Channel" "#WDClan"

sets "Location" "Detriot"

sets "CPU" "Dual Athlon 1.2 Ghz"

sets "Connection" "OC-48"


seta rconpassword ""

seta sv_maxclients 10

sv_hostname "^1[WD]^7NF FFA Sabers"

g_motd "www.^1WD^7Online.com, accepting new members."

seta g_inactivity 0

sv_maxRate 10000

set g_allowvote 1

sv_floodProtect 1

g_needPass 0

//g_password ""

//g_synchronousClients 0

//sv_allowdownload "1"

//sv_privateClients "0"

//sv_privatePassword ""

sv_timeout "120"

//g_teamAutoJoin 0

//g_teamForceBalance 0



// GAME //////////////////////////////////////////



g_gametype 0 //FFA 0, TDM 5, CTF 7

set fraglimit 0

set capturelimit 8

set g_weaponDisable 1

set timelimit 20

g_friendlyFire 1

//g_doWarmup 0

//g_warmup "1"



// FORCE //////////////////////////////////////////



set g_ForcePowerDisable 1

g_maxForceRank 7

g_forceRegenTime 200



// BOTS /////////////////////////////////////////////



bot_minplayers 4




// MAPS /////////////////////////////////////////////




set g_autoMapCycle 1



map ffa_bespin





I tested it out on my own box and I had some very suprising resualts. When loading the screen displayed "Saber only" and "No forces", but when I joined I was holding a Bryer and there were guns on the map (look up and see that i set weaponDisable 1).


Even worse, I still have force powers!!! The regen rate was very low, that of no force but I could still use all of my powers (grip, drain, ect) although I didn't see bots using them.


There is either something very wrong with my script or JK2 is pretty messed up.

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