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Bullet Time II


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Okay I used the cheat, thereisnospoon but all it does is circle me in slow motion. It does not do the bullet-time-dodge move which sometimes happens against disruptors.


Does anyone know any information at all about that bullet time dodge move? Any one know how to make it happen more often? It seems to happen on its own without any input from the player.

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I experimented with it and now I can reproduce it whenever I want, here's how it works :


It has nothing to do with any cheats, you simply have to keep the sniper in your crosshair. As long as it is red and you are not moving, Kyle will dodge about 80% of all shots fired by THAT sniper. Does nothing against the others, if there are more, though.


When you move or when you loose track of him with the reticle (so that it goes white again), but you still aim in his direct vicinity, Kyle will still - although rather rarely and clumsily - dodge his shots.


It works with saber on and saber off - I can't really tell if it does with another weapon equipped too, but either it doesn't or the dodging probability is seriously reduced then.


Hope this helps. :)

Oh yes, and just to be precise, I'm NOT talking about multi-, but about singleplayer.




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Yeah I agree with Ronin. Although out of pure coincidence, once I pressed the shift key it seemed to dodge almost directly after. It did this a few times too. But like I said, probably coincidence. I noticed there's also different ways he dodges. Mostly sideways but once or twice I saw him duck and also dodge backwards. Unfortunately I didnt catch those:


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That map is a level not included int he SP gameline, but it is there in every copy of JediOutcast nevertheless.


To enter it, open the console and type


\map pit


But be warned, there is a Tavion in it, and she kicks some major player butt when you're not used to fighting her - especially since you start that map without shields and low force power levels. :)




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I tried the ns_streets map with setforceall 9 and I dodged EVERY shot that was fired at me that would normally hit me, even shots from behind.


the only shots I didn't dogde are shots that were close misses, and shots that hit my saber directly, anything else was dodged even if I wasn't facing the shooter.



the purple one

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Hm - so it also depends on some force power level... I wonder what one.


Logically it should be "speed", but I somehow like the idea of a 'hidden' "force seeing" ability in SP that isn't listed in the force dialogue, but is there nevertheless and advances with every map. Could be. :)




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Originally posted by PurplWulf

I tried the ns_streets map with setforceall 9 and I dodged EVERY shot that was fired at me that would normally hit me, even shots from behind.


the only shots I didn't dogde are shots that were close misses, and shots that hit my saber directly, anything else was dodged even if I wasn't facing the shooter.



the purple one


I just tried that and it didn't really work. is there anything else you're supposed to do?

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g_speed "250" is the default, I set mine to 201 to slow down the game and make saber combat more controlled.


as for the regeneration of force, you can use the command:

g_forceRegenTime "200" <----default


if you lower the value for that command, the force meter will regenerate faster. On my server I have it set for "75"


so far it hasn't been abused when my server is up, but if it is, I'll just set it back to the normal value.




the purple one

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