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Saber Noise


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I dont know if this has already been posted about but i havnt had the time to look through those hundreds of posts on sabers.


Has ne 1 else found that you can get ur saber stuck round a corner or between a box??


This has happened on a 2 occasions. the first time it got stuck in the corner of a pile of boxes and it rattles really really loudly and even if you stand right next to you saber it wont return when u tell it to. The second time I was just messing around near the end of the game where there is a 3 way split, one leads you to a mirror, one to a bottom-less pit and the other where ur meant to go. I threw my saber in one of the paassage ways then backed off into another and it gets stuck!!!!


post on here if ne 1 else no's what im talking about or heard of it b4. cheers



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Yes, I experienced some of that with the saber throw as well. Sometimes you'd throw, miss your opponent, and the saber would go on to get stuck behind something.


I even did a saber throw into one of the garbage mashers on Nar Shadaa...and I think the saber got mashed, because it didn't come back. :D

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The saber noise is obviously a bug. Apparantly, the sound you get by touching something with the saber is made from the sound you get by attacking something with the saber (I believe it's repeated over and over again really fast). If you attack a wall you get the usual "bzzz-sparkling" sound, and if you touch a wall you basically get the same sound. If you attack a bottle (or some other destructable object), you get a nifty exploding glass sound effect, but if you touch the bottle, you get a really unrealistic, loud noise (as it uses the same exploding-glass sound).

It was really hard to put that into words, and I hope you pardon me for my bad english =)


The thing with loosing the saber is just a part of the game. It'll get back to ya if you aim at it (from a reasonable range ofcourse) and press the fire button. If you can't see it, just wait, it'll get back to you automaticly after a while.

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