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A cute tricky Dark Side move


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I was playing the secret level the other day and I found a really easy way to kill Tavion. Now I was playing on Jedi diff so I cheated and set all my Force powers to 3. But you can use the move on anybody after you get level 3 Grip. What you do is Grip your opponent over your head and then quickly Force Push them high into the air. If it worked right your opponent should fly for a moment and then plumet to his/her/its death. This works well on the Shadowtroopers on Yavin.:D:cool:

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  • 2 weeks later...

Cool! Now I see where the Ladder mod came from. That's pretty cool & you fight heaps of reborn of increasing skill.


And I can see why it's harder, I just looked at your force skills... Level 1 push/pull! And no shields. Still, I'll keep at it & shall kill her soon, no jedi can oppose me...

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speaking of the ladder, an easy way to kill those shadowtroopers is to stand below the broken window and use the grip/push move to have them sucked out the window (then you can use pull to retreive the force crystals). ;)

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