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Clone Trooper Skin


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Righty Ho..my first post on here. Also my first attempt at doing ANY sort of skinning for a game - although i have often taken apart games to see how all the textures etc.. fit together...aaaanyway, here is my plea.


I have made a re-skinned Stormtrooper Helmet into a Clone trooper helmet - yet i have no idea how to put this in game. Could somebody pleeeeeeease try and somehow put this in a game to tell me how it works out? The pic is below...




Thanks a lot

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Hey TuskenUK,


To add that into your game, all you should have to do is replace the old head skin with this new one. Make sure you have it named the same and everything, and it should load just fine.


If you'd like to see it w/o having to load the game up, try looking thru the links in the forums (General Editing) for the SOFModView thread. It will explain to you all you need to know about getting ModView to load your skins/models correctly.


---Critiques and Input----


First off, for a first attempt it's looking very clean. That's always a plus. The bad news however, is the stormtroopers helmet is a bit off to be used as a Clone Trooper. The clone trooper is in essence, just one of the original character designs for the Stromtrooper, so there's a bit of difference in shape, and flairing. I'll attach (2) images to better clarify what I mean at the bottom.


All in all. Nice work, don't give up, and like you'll see in these forums alot: Wait for the SDK. :)



-Limbonik 2.0


Clonetrooper Images Begin now...



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Hey man - those images are really helpful - i haven't got too many reference pics for the clones yet. Yeah, i think waiting for the SDK will be the wisest option - and i was thinking exactly the same thing about the strotmtrooper model - i was really simply experimenting with skinning and decided it's look best on a stormie skin. Well i'm going to wait for somebody to make a Clonetrooper model, and then i'll set about having a go at skinning it. I tend to pick up thing s quite quickly, and i've been using photoshop for years now so i can churn out pretty decent images mostly....yeah cool...thanks again man

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