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Ive decided to start a mod.


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Alright, Ive decided to start a mod, called The Beginning. It will revolve around the time period during the rise of the Sith, like when that one emperor guy comes into power. Im not good at modding, but i plan to make a site, anybody know if i should go with geocities? or what? i know some people can get like jediknightii.com to host there site. Anybody know how to do this? I want to be in charge of the website and supervise. I need coders, modelers, skinners, map makers and that type of stuff. Tell me if you are interested, ill email you with more details.

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describe ur mod a little more, some plans or ideas you have for it right now...if you have a good plan set then people will usually join but if you jsut say a mod from the beginning with that guy...i dont think alot of people will show much interest....

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Alright, I plan to make it a single player mod where you play through the game as Darth Maul, from the training of him, to when he gets killed. We could make new levels, like a secret Sith base or something like that. The only weapons you will get are the saber and the force, of coure we might have to make new forces, but no light side ones, we could have like drain and maybe a new one, im not sure, anybody have any ideas for a new dark force power? Darth Maul could be sent on missions during his training like he has to go and kill one of the Hutts, but the base is heavily gaurded or something. Im not completely sure yet, any suggestions are welcome. OF course there would have to be some way to make it so you dont kill Obi-Won in the last fight, i dont know how we could program it so you couldnt win. Come on people, we would make new skins, like Darth Maul, a skin for Jaba The Hutt, various others, as i said, im not sure yet. But any suggestions are welcome! COme on peopl!

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although i have no concept whatsoever of how to do a mod, i'd say the ending would be you having to defeat qui-gon jinn, and then a cut-scene showing you getting defeated by obi-wan


that'd be the only logical way to end it w/ a victory of sorts, yet playing a doomed character is never really appealing

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