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Hey Guys


I am stuck on the level where I have

to kill fyarr. I need to get the cheats activated

because I have been trying to kill him for a week.

The problem is when i go into the consol I type

HelpUsObi 1

then I type


and it says unreconized command


Please help out



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You dont need a cheat. On the top of his shield there is an open area wher you can use Thermals, rockets, or just about anything else to do damage to him. Eventually the shield will go down and you have to take out the red Y on his back that generated the shield. AFter that, you will be able to damage him wiht anything form any angle. He sill still be tough to kill but you can do it.

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See the Sticky above for some ideas on how to kill Fyyar. You CAN kill him, you just have to be patient. Some quick tips: keep moving and find stuff to hide behind. I'll go ahead and date myself by saying that this is the same trick (more or less) that you us to kill the Cyberdemon on Doom 1 :)


As far as the cosole goes, I think that it's pretty case-sensitive. That is, if it wants capitals, it wants capitals, if it wants lowercase, it wants lowercase.


Good luck.

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