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Whats the point in editing?


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Whats the point in modding this game (sounds/gfx/skins) when you can't even use them ONLINE.


I've modded my sounds/gfx ect, but i can't even use them in mp because of the gay ass pure server crap to prevent cheating. I stilll love the game, but it will grow stale very soon if i can't edit the game up. FFS i can't even change the music.


Is this only bothering me? Am i a dumb **** because there is a way to use custom sounds and gfx online?? Does anyone else care!???!









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What's the point in POSTING THIS HERE?!!!


Alot of people edit for fun, and some are more serious, building up portfolios for a career in gaming.


Editing keeps these games alive, and once a game comes out, very seldomly are the tools released with it.


So why in God's name did you get so upset that you had to post this here? Just to Spam? Or perhaps you felt it was your duty to bring down those who are trying to make your gaming experience better.


Ever Played a MOD? Used a user made skin, model, or sounds? I don't know about you, but it really soups up the game for me. I'm just waiting for the first good Maul Model, or Boba Fett...


So if you see no point in it, please just don't do it.

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Originally posted by CheshireKat

What's the point in POSTING THIS HERE?!!!


Alot of people edit for fun, and some are more serious, building up portfolios for a career in gaming.


Editing keeps these games alive, and once a game comes out, very seldomly are the tools released with it.


So why in God's name did you get so upset that you had to post this here? Just to Spam? Or perhaps you felt it was your duty to bring down those who are trying to make your gaming experience better.


Ever Played a MOD? Used a user made skin, model, or sounds? I don't know about you, but it really soups up the game for me. I'm just waiting for the first good Maul Model, or Boba Fett...


So if you see no point in it, please just don't do it.


Yea why don't you try and READ first. Reading is good, it really helps to read something before trying to respond. Take special attention to the word "trying".


I love modding, i have been modding games like counter-strike for a very long time; i am very experienced in this area.


What is upsetting me is that i cannot enjoy my or anyone elses modifications in multiplayer (not bots, online).


Now to sum up what i just said simply. I love modding. I rarely play any games that cannot be modded. I am disgruntled by the fact that i cannot enjoy modifications in jk2 online play. The only way i can enjoy modifications is with bots. Bots suck.


Simple enough?





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You can turn off Pure Server to play mods, it's not really that big of a deal - anyways, if there was no cheat prevention then people would complain of rampant cheating.. look at Counterstrike, for example.

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Only if the server runs your mod you will be able to use it yes, and sometimes the question does come to mind why modify, that is why you mighjt want to join a mod team. If it is a kickass mod, you'll see servers popping up everywhere :)

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Heres an idea that your 9 year old immature brain can handle. People are just learning what they can mod now, so when the SDK comes out they can make bigger mods. Oh, I'm so sorry, is that too much for your brain to handle? If you don't like the mods right now, IGNORE THEM! Don't be an A** about it, you'll only get flamed like you are now.


EDIT: P.S. There are plenty of non-pure servers out there, just look harder.

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I love the fact you can mod this game. more games should be moddable. it realy adds to replay value and extends the life of the game, but anyways i know that for the most part the multiplay mods wont be very useful or widely implimented. thats why i want to see way more stuff being done to enhance the SP experience, which im sure will come if they ever release the SDK (they better!)

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Actually, this make me think... maybe there should be a way to set up a mod pack in which some standard mods and skins could be loaded onto subscribers.

We could call it a skin pack... or a mod pack... oh wait... has this been done before? hehe

But really... JKII could put a pack of the best skins together and throw them into a pack along with some mods and stuff.

When the SDK comes out, they could possibly throw together a mod to turn them on/off in game.

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