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Punkbuster is a JOKE!


Counter Strike(one of the most played games online) doesnt even use PB anymore because it sucked so bad. THey use Cheating-Death now with CSguard.


+ I havent ran across any reason why it would be needed in JK2(YET)

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counter strike never used punkbuster

it was not inside the game, you had to dl and instal it seperatly

becouse of this it did not work at it's best.


also the reson pb is not used today in any hl mod is becouse pb stoped with the suport for halflife a long time ago (last year i think)


wich means that any cheats created after they stoped with the suport can't be stoped by pb


pb was good when it worked altho it created some lagg but hopefully (I don't have RTCW) now when they are inside the game it goes much smother

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I have RTCW and PB installed, and it has some problems. It'll spin your hard drive and lead to lag problems unless you tweak it. Still, the guys who wrote the program are very serious about supporting it, and I'll say that it HAS made a difference in playing online. The one problem that I see with it is that it doesn't allow custom PK3 files, so if you have custom skins or mods that you're using, you'll either be booted for using them, or the server had better have them. Or you'll just end up playing on pure servers, which frankly gets a little old to me.


I'd like to see PB implement some stamp of approval system whereby certain skins are deemed as "ok" and are able to be used on nonpure servers without you running the risk of getting the dreaded "Impure client" message (and here we thought we were all as pure as the driven snow).

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Punkbuster was a seperate prgram for HL mods, it wasn't built into the game (neither is Csguard)

Punkbuster stop working towards HL because it needed valves backing and access to the main program code.

Valves denied this because

a) they didn't want a third party changing the code and

b) they had plans to implement their own anti cheat measures ( see HL or CS 1.4 specs)


Punkbuster does work with RTCW, and its constant development means a better game for that community.


Punkbuster would be fesible in jk2 (CS guard will never appear in jk2)

so unless theirs another third part programmer or Raven are planning to install their own anti cheat software.

Pb is about the best and only viable option atm....


I would welcome it

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