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Raven or LucasArts Official Responses/Statements


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I've been very supportive of Raven and I 'believe' they are working on a patch.


Is there a link or information to official responses by Raven on all the issues people are coming up with?


I haven't seen Raven or LucasArts respond to any of the posts or make any official statements - but I've only been on this forum a short time.


Can someone post some links to official responses about a future patches and issues?


Thank you. :)

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Posting this message into this topic as well - hopefully Raven is reading this:


Raven needs to give us a server-side option to disable the stances:


g_stance 1-3


g_stance 1 = light only

g_stance 2 = light and medium

g_stance 3 = light, medium, heavy


After playing more I can see the frustration with the heavy stance and there needs to be a way to remove it entirely.


This would balance the game quite a bit.


Including an:


g_spsaber 0-1


g_spsaber 0 = Current MP style saber

g_spsaber 1 = SP style saber


Would this not fix most of the balance issues?


As for the force drain being too strong, it should be included in the the force rankings - make it so only 7 and above include drain (and something like mind trick to include balance) - so not just the amount of credits but limits what forces can be used.


Or they could add some new force ranks that disable certain kinds of forces - in order to preserve the meaning of the current ranks.


It's a question of options, in my opinion.


That way all you have to do is use All Seeing Eye (with custom made modifiers - really easy to do) and you can filter the exact type of server you want - that and the in-game browser can be updated with these new filter/rules as well.


What do you all think?

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I like. I'm not a fan of Red in MP as it is uneven. I usually stick to Yellow myself as it gives a great saber fight.


Red kills or else takes all but 10 health which really makes it a lot less fun.


I'm not complaining as it's a challenege but an option would be nice.

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If parrying worked the way it was supposed to work, this wouldn't be so much of a problem....for example, swinging with blue style, to PARRY a red style saber attack, should deflect the saber and leave the red style person stunned temporarily, as he recovers. Isn't this in the game docs? I know I saw it somewhere...


Then if someone does a red style swing, just time your swing carefully, and then it parries, (instead of just sitting there blocking).


Would make for much more realistic combat, IMO. And you would not be afraid to get up close and personal with someone, not to


In fact, parrying should be an option with all styles.

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I agree, it's ridiculous that Raven isn't at least saying anything. How unprofessional is that?! This game is constantly crashing & freezing at various times for many people with good systems, including me, and Raven has nothing to say about it? :mad:



My specs:

1.6 Ghz Athlon XP

64 Mb Nvidia GeForce 2 MX with 23.11 drivers

256 Mb RAM

61 Gb harddrive

Win 98 SE

DirectX 8.1



Raven where are you? There's nothing I hate more than joining a duel server, spectating for 5 minutes, I finally get to play, and BOOM the screen goes black! Or I'm on a duel or ffa server, doing well, and then the same thing happens. Or in single player with these really ridiculously hard puzzles and powerful enemies and the game freezes. Raven, I'm not saying forget SOF2, but please come acknowledge what the story is

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Originally posted by Demolisher

I agree, it's ridiculous that Raven isn't at least saying anything. How unprofessional is that?! This game is constantly crashing & freezing at various times for many people with good systems, including me, and Raven has nothing to say about it? :mad:



My specs:

1.6 Ghz Athlon XP

64 Mb Nvidia GeForce 2 MX with 23.11 drivers

256 Mb RAM

61 Gb harddrive

Win 98 SE

DirectX 8.1


This may not even be a solution but I found the 23.11 drivers to be very buggy.


I suggest uninstalling those and download the 27.42's.



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Originally posted by Falkentyne

If parrying worked the way it was supposed to work, this wouldn't be so much of a problem....for example, swinging with blue style, to PARRY a red style saber attack, should deflect the saber and leave the red style person stunned temporarily, as he recovers. Isn't this in the game docs? I know I saw it somewhere...


Then if someone does a red style swing, just time your swing carefully, and then it parries, (instead of just sitting there blocking).


Would make for much more realistic combat, IMO. And you would not be afraid to get up close and personal with someone, not to


In fact, parrying should be an option with all styles.


What would be neat is a free-saber button/mode.


Just like a mouse-free look button you can hold this down (for aslong as you like) and your view won't change (you suddenly lose control to move the character with the mouse) but you'll have total control over the saber.


Practice with the button could lead to some interesting duels.

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I got a dev response!!!


I'm sure he won't mind me sharing it with you:


"Keep checking http://www2.ravensoft.com/jedioutcast/ for developing details. I’ll see what I can do about putting up a “what we’re fixing” document.





Kenn Hoekstra

Project Administrator/

Director of Support Services

Raven Software Corporation


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Originally posted by NewBJedi


What would be neat is a free-saber button/mode.


Just like a mouse-free look button you can hold this down (for aslong as you like) and your view won't change (you suddenly lose control to move the character with the mouse) but you'll have total control over the saber.


Practice with the button could lead to some interesting duels.


Isn't this very similar to VSIM, that was used in Die By the Sword?


Unfortunately this wouldn't work too well in JK, especially unpatched as it is now, and probably even patched. If you can't mouse look, it would be too easy for a person to roll behind you, then quickly do a 1 hit red splitter while you're frantically pressing the vsim off mode. Sure, you could TURN with keyboard turning, but this would be too clumsy, IMO.


Might be good for an interesting mod, though, as long as it is possible to BLOCK jump-in attacks....

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I don't like the idea of a free sabre button, but I do support a parrying system. Essentially, this is what I've been after in terms of my "make MP like SP" arguments. The sabre fights in MP right now suck basically. It's a bunch of guys swinging in strong stance and bashing each other ad nauseum. No parrying, no blocking, no getting the enemy off balance, no strategy. Nothing.


It is that kind of stuff that I want to see implemented in MP. Blocking, parrying, etc. I'm pleased to see the release of the SDK, but I noticed that it's essentially just a map & model editor. Nothing in there to really edit the game's core code or alter game physics/mechanics. IE: there's no way to implement a class system, for example.


So, now we have an SDK, but no real way to edit the way the game plays. Admittedly, I don't know jack about game editing, but from the tools we've been given, it would seem that there's no real way to make mods for this game at the present. So I continue to implore Raven to implement SOME kind of fix to MP sabre combat, both in duel settings (where the parrying would really help) and in FFA type settings (where it needs to be balanced to stand on even ground with the guns, either via force powers, a class system, or nerfing the guns -- the last of which I do NOT like the idea of).

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