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Old man of the mountains easter egg.

The Seeker

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My guess is its accidental. Ide say the wall texture was used twice and something has happened and its flipped or something, because you may notice that directly down the middle of the 'face' is where the rock stops and goes in another direction. And on either side is a mirror imaged texture... but hey he has to get some points for trying.

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how the HELL did you notice that? oh and your resolution sucks balls dude


Spent lots of time figuring out that level, so closely studied every corner of it. Including that mountain side. And with my 500MHz CPU, I have to keep everything turned down to the lowest settings. Otherwise, I get terrible FPS.

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JediKnight_114, you have my deepest sympathies.


I thought i would have similar troubles when i first got the game, not because of my Spec but because of the fact i have a Voodoo 5 powering my graphics. luckily i sorted it, and now i can run everything in full texture busting glory.


but i feel for you dude...it must be hard but one day you'll meet another computer, one who's better looking and more able to care for your needs...and then it will be love


well done for spotting it though...looks kinda like Kyle. sort of. or max payne...possibly while taking a ****. which says a lot considering he looks constipated most of the time anyway

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Originally posted by DarthBalls BONG

JediKnight_114, you have my deepest sympathies.


I thought i would have similar troubles when i first got the game, not because of my Spec but because of the fact i have a Voodoo 5 powering my graphics. luckily i sorted it, and now i can run everything in full texture busting glory.


but i feel for you dude...it must be hard but one day you'll meet another computer, one who's better looking and more able to care for your needs...and then it will be love


well done for spotting it though...looks kinda like Kyle. sort of. or max payne...possibly while taking a ****. which says a lot considering he looks constipated most of the time anyway


Yeah, I'm getting a new computer soon. Soon being a very relative term which could translate as "in the next few days" or "in the next few months" but I will be getting one soon. I however already have a pretty good 3D card: Visiontek GeForce 2 MX400 64MB PCI card. So, that's not the problem, but without a good CPU, I can just barely run the game. Like in the level with the Old man of the mountains, I can barely get through the outdoor areas because all the detail of the cliffsides just overloads my system or something, because it is jumpy as hell.


So, was it ever decided for sure if that's an easter egg or an accident?

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geforce2mx... dont you know MX stands for Crappy Card (yeah i dont get it either.. maybe its some weird language) :p


NEVER buy MX anything... unless its like chicken soup..


get a geforce4 ti 4200 when it comes out this month.. 180 bucks and its pure ownage.. 128 mg ram wahoo

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Hey You There is from the game when the stormtrooper taunts. Storm Troopers always say hey you there in SP right before i throw them accross the room. Of course stormies would say Hey you there. It's like, their line. Its like a cop saying: Hey you! Hands up! its just what they say.


:trooper:---Hey, you the-khgkgkkkkhghkaaaaaah! *SLAM!* ooh.. *SIZZLE*



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