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AWESOME Bug in Nar Shaddaa: Two Kyles


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I recently found something really cool when playing the beginning of the Nar Shaddaa map in the bar. When Kyle walks up to the bar for the first time, it goes to a cutscene where Kyle asks the bartender a few questions. Nothing special about that. But if you happen to press Alt+Enter (to go to/from a window, say) Kyle gets cloned, so that there is still the first Kyle talking to the bartender; he's your decoy. The Kyle that you control then has free license to roam the building and acquire a vantage point from which to fight the battle that ensues shortly thereafter. I'd say it's a must when playing Jedi Master. If this has been posted before, then my apologies. I just thougt it was really cool to watch a cutscene from a different viewpoint and wander the Nar Shaddaa establishment with impunity without any actual -cheats-...go figure. Anyway, have fun with this!

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