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'THE' Star Wars Level Pack


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A friend of mine and myself have been planning a Star Wars level pack featuring locations from the Star Wars movies for some time now.


The tools should be out anytime and we can't wait to get working.:) As of last night we came up with the basic outline and architecture of the levels, and I think everything will turn out great. However, if we had a little help here and there, we could get this pack done MUCH sooner, which is the point of this thread. So I'll explain this pack in the remainder of this thread which could turn out to be a little long. So for those of you that aren't interested, need not read any further. For those who are interested...


Our goal is to compile 10 MP levels, most are small - medium sized, but we have a few big ones. I'll list all of the levels and try to give you all a feel for what we are shooting for.:)



This level will take place on Tatooine at Luke's homestead. It will consist of the circular homestead area, the maintenence shed, Luke's speeder ,and a sandcrawler (possibly with jawas and droids) all surrounded by desert as far as the eye can see. Twin Suns will also be present. -Medium sized level-


Mos Eisely

Also on Tatooine, Mos Eisely will be a fairly large level consisting of the cantina, various buildings and bystanders, and docking bay 94. -Large sized level-


Death Star

I don't know if they (Raven and LA) were satisfied with the Death Star level that came with JO, but I for one thought it was quite sad :(. I felt like they threw it together in a day. Our Death Star level will consist of the hanger with the Falcon, detention block, and the trash compactor. It may sound similar, but I assure you we plan on making these levels VERY accurate to the movies so it will in fact be VERY different. -Medium sized level-


Hoth Base

We were contemplating including this level in the pack and have decided to include it since we felt the pack would be missing something without it. Hopefully this level will turn out to be a great recreation of the hoth base complete with droids, ships, etc. -Large sized level-



This level will include Yoda's home, Luke's X-wing and camp, and the swamp among other things such as a fog effect. -Small sized level-


Cloud City

Cloud City will take place near the east platform with the falcon and will also contain a white lobby and the dining room. -Small sized level-


Gantry and Carbon Chamber

True, the Carbon Chamber level was just released, and it was not bad at all. In fact I thought it was quite fun. However I felt it could be improved dramatically. We may even ask the author of that level if we can just modify it if he allows it, which would save us a bunch of time needless to say. This level will be somewhat the same as the current Gantry, but rest assured with improvements. -Medium sized level-


Jabba's Palace

We plan on recreating this location inside out, meaning we want to include the front door and such. Jabba himself, Solo in Carbonite, the lounge, the rancor pit and more will all be present.

-Medium sized level-


Jabba's Sail Barge

This location was actually our initial inspiration for this pack, so we are especiallly excited about this one.:) Well, this level will be Jabba's main sail barge, and 2 smaller barges hovering over Sarlaac in the middle of the desert. We have some cool suprises for this one. -Small sized level-


Throne Room

Yes, yes I know the Throne Room came with the game, but again, I am left wanting more. Seriously though, you would've thought the could have put an actual "Throne" in the "Throne Room", sheesh. Anyway, this will be the Throne Room, but unlike MotS and JK2, this time it'll be done right.:) -Small sized level-


Well, there's 10 for ya. Please don't take those descriptions too serious because there is much more to the levels than that, but still, you should have the basic idea. I should also mention we plan to give our all in this and you won't see a halfassed job done here. We say, do it right, or not at all.:)


I realized that some of you may have some of these levels planned as well. If so, maybe we can collaborate our efforts. If not, we now consider you the enemy. (j/k :D)


If you would be interested in helping in any way drop me an e-mail @ roncoallstar@aol.com

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Erm- check on that Mos Eisley Map: Problem No1: It's a bit too big. I am almost finished with the Cantina and now will build the rest, but I doubt that I will get anywhere NEAR the docking bay. Not if you want this to be as detailed as it is now.


Just to give you an impression: FPS are at 40-50 on high detail now (r_speed of up to 17500) and at 70-80 on my 'normal' config (both 640x480) this is on an 900 athlon with standart (non-ddr) 512 MB ram and an old geforce with 64MB ddr-video ram. So you could get it to run smoothly on a newer PC, but I have never tried it with several peoples and (more important perhaps) with NPCs... But I'll keep you informed (after all that was why I started this level ;) )


To watch the progress you can always check out durahcell.dewww.durahcell.de

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Yes I realize that the Mos Eisely level may turn out TOO big, so we may still build many buildings and bystanders to make the scene feel real, but limit the range of the level. i.e.- you will be able to see certain buildings but won't be able to reach them.


That cantina is looking SWEET Tigris.:D Would you mind if I included your level in my pack or possibly even add more to it?

Were you planning on making any other Star Wars locations?

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Just a small suggestion. Maybe you ought to make your Death star level as large as you can make it (within reason of course), just to give it a sense of scale. After all the Death star isn't exactly small.


As for myself, I'm going to shy away from offering to help anybody until the tools are released and I feel I am comfortable with them. My mapping exploits only cover such things as the old Duke 3d, Jedi Knight and Alien v's Predator 2.


Good luck anyhow...

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I'm still adding thing, but no- I would be honored for it to be part of the pack. Let me just see that I'll get the r_speeds down a bit before that. We want it to be fun after all!


EDIT: Hey Slain: The last serious mapping I did (was the cantina too BTW) was in Duke too, so comon- join the fray ;)

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