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Game quits after lightsaber level...


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:( Hey guys.... I have a problem... I am using 3rd party voodoo 3 drivers on a winxp pro machine. JK2 has been running fine, besides the few freeze ups now and then, and the fact that it is alot faster to restart the game then it is to load a save.

Any how, after the yavin trials level, when u get the lightsaber, and talk to luke, the game quits after luke finishes his speach, and before the switch to the nar shadda map... can anyone help> would appreciate it, 2100xp, 512ddr, 80g 133ata 7200 rpm maxtor just incase... thanks

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using an athlon 1.2 gf2 ultra on 28.80s myself ... right when the lightsaber level starts (the bar, after the trials) my 3rd person jedi turns into 2 ... one is frozen stays perfectly still when i run around like a card board cut out and the other has all the flips ns uch. No clue about yer prob but ours both seem to start at the bar level ... anyone able to help?

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Heres some more info. I get the level ending stats for the training level, it shows my stats, and the progress bar moves along at the bottom, the load bar... once its complete... no errors, no nothing, i just end up back at the windows desktop, any help would be appreciated, thanks!

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STFU yourself DeathtrapX.



You can get by the level by using the cheats.


Pull down the console and type helpusobi 1 to enable cheats. Now just type map ns_streets. That's the next level in the SP game. The only problem is you'll only have the lightsaber, no other weapons. You can give yourself the weapons you're missing if you like, but you've got the lightsaber now. Do you need anything else? ;)


Not the best way to go through the game, but it works when you're stuck.



If you post problems in this forum, you will get answers sooner or later. Have patience.

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hey, thanks alot man.... its an option eh? Thats better nothing. I think its pretty crappy the amount of bugs in this game, and problems. Its a great game, but I havent seen this many issues since Ultima Online. Nuts. Well I will give that a try, thanks again!


How bout that patch Raven?

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Well, i gave it a try, and it still doesnt load. So there must be something with the cinematic before that level that is having a incompatibility with my video card, though all the others so far have run fine. Well, I have a new card on the way, so maybe thats my only choice,

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  • 2 weeks later...
Originally posted by schmiggy_jk

I think its pretty crappy the amount of bugs in this game, and problems.


This is a complete mystery to me. I've had it a week and the only problem I've had is with too many savegames. But just delete a few of them and problem solved.


Must be some rather intriguing driver/device specific issues with this game.

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