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Is Heavy over rated?


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Does any one else think Heavy is WAY over rated? :lsduel:


I only had the game a day now but I have faced LOADS of peeps using heavy and as long as I keep my guard up and dont make any mistakes I can jump in while they "recover" and get a good hit then back away defending again. This is working extremely well against Jedi master level bots (I went 3V1 and won :D ) and human players. I personaly think Heavy is a cheap and clumsy style which is more about luck then skill...

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It has it's uses... like disposing of pesky reborn. There are some situations when it's a good stance to use, and there are situations when it's better to use another stance. I don't think it's overly clumsy, just slow cos of the strength of the hit and how much he has to swing the saber.

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Hell yes,


I can't say i never use it, as it is useful on ocassion, but all my big victories are over folks that only use Red Stance. It is very hard to defend when using Red, I just steam in the side and hack them up with a bit of blue or yellow stance.


In my opinion Red leaves the player wide open after theyve had a swing at you.

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I agree that red stance is over rated, but it is VERY useful against newbs, and if you can switch saber stances fast enough. I usually swich between yellow and red stance, using yellow and when I see an opertunity switch to red and boom they are dead :)

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Originally posted by Ryouga

I personaly think Heavy is a cheap and clumsy style which is more about luck then skill...



no, using the "headless chicken" methode is more about luck then skill.



Anyway, "Tekken", ill own you at tekken anytime =)

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It would seem that the preceding people in this thread have been abusing illegal narcotics to a point that their perceptions of reality have become significantly warped.


That being said, Heavy Stance is the best stance for dueling since it not only does the most damage and is the easiest to control (and see) where your swings are going, but it allows you to use the leap attack, the only virtually guaranteed 1 hit kill with the saber and the only really good special attack. Heavy is also the only choice against someone who is using Heal or Drain, since any other stance will require 2 or 3 hits in a row to get a kill, which is very hard to do against an experienced player.


Also, just to point out something that's been bugging me, it is absolutely critical that you switch stances during a duel. Just from the general language about stance used on these forums and what I've seen online it seems as if people are saying..."Ok, I'll use...Medium...this fight", and then wondering why they lose. I usually play no-force (but with level 3 jump) and so switching stances is vital to victory. If you get one good hit in with heavy you can switch up to medium for faster attacks, or go to light to try and use the special (god knows the regular attacks suck). And likewise if you're really low on life you have to switch to heavy and go for the leap attack or else the other person can simply outlast you in charges with the medium or kick you to death.


- [PMV] Joker

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You have all been smoking Crank...


Heavy is used a lot, lately I've been seeing medium used more then heavy. Most of the people that use heavy are newbs and are just running around swinging randomly.


If you are a skilled player, you can use heavy and attack properly without getting hit. I always move around my opponent to figure out his patterns, then I take a couple heavy swings, if I miss I can easily back up or roll away. EASILY. I don't know, maybe some people don't realize how easy it is to attack without getting hit back, its fairly simple.


I win pretty much all the time in duels, not to brag or anything, but this is because I take strong swings, and change my view to hit an open spot on my oppenent. I always move into my attacks, I move with my swing, and I can always get out if I miss and my opponent comes in after me.


Strong is also the only stance you should use, or learn to use if forces are allowed, because if your opponent uses force heal or drain, the match will go on forever because I know a lot of pussies out there who if they get hit, they run away until they have enough force to heal.


With strong stance, once you get their armor out of the way, you kill them with 1 hit and never have to worry about heal or drain.


Also the finisher with strong stance is nice, but kinda cheap. I can kill most players on pubs just using the finisher, which is kinda sad. but oh well.


Use strong, or you die lots. NEVER use light, totally useless unless your fighting 100% saber newbers.


I also never finish a kill using medium or light... If I know my opponent has 5 health left, I still use strong. Chances are he's in desperation mode using strong stance, and if you're using medium you need to be in a lot closer than if you use strong. So use strong, take a swing and let him come into it. works like a charm.

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i use the light stance all the time. it sucks but the combos and moves are cooler looking then the heavy stance. what I do though is, I have a one key bound to do these things for my finishing move. (they never see it coming) it switches me to heavy stance and then does the heavy swing with a downward motion. (forward + Attack) and then switches me back to the light stance. was a pain in the butt to get the bind just right.

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with force on... red is WAY over rated. Simply drain them (to keep those pesky paladin players from healing), then when they swing push or pull them. Saber throw rocks too :D


But on no force... thats where skill comes in. You have to be VERY fast.

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Originally posted by leelink

i use the light stance all the time. it sucks but the combos and moves are cooler looking then the heavy stance.

Nice to see someone who actually uses something that's fun to use even though you know it won't win you many duels. It's a nice change from newbies spamming DFA over and over because they know it will eventually get them a lucky kill. :)


Play to have fun. If you can have fun AND win at the same time by all means do so. If you play to win and you aren't having any fun, stop to think if this is really how you want to spend your time.

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Originally posted by toolboi

with force on... red is WAY over rated. Simply drain them (to keep those pesky paladin players from healing), then when they swing push or pull them. Saber throw rocks too :D


But on no force... thats where skill comes in. You have to be VERY fast.


not quite that easy, I've beaten most force users using strong stance simply because of timing. Chances are if force is on, I'll have force throw on as well.


It really isn't that hard to hit with strong stance unless you just stand and swing, im moving around a lot so it's easier.


If you are a GOOD duelist, use strong because it's the best when you know how to.

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I totally disagree with it being the best. I have faced quiet a few expreinced players using heavy and still beatthem with medium by waiting for an attack moving towards the opposit side they swing at so there side is wide open to a sideways slash then roll forward turning around quickly preparing for the next attack. That works well or when they charge at you charge back and make sure u slash before they do so ur saber hits before they can hit you. Medium is more skilful I find as it requires more then 2 hits which can be just lucky hits

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Originally posted by [PMV] Joker

That being said, Heavy Stance is the best stance for dueling since it not only does the most damage and is the easiest to control (and see) where your swings are going, but it allows you to use the leap attack, the only virtually guaranteed 1 hit kill with the saber and the only really good special attack. Heavy is also the only choice against someone who is using Heal or Drain, since any other stance will require 2 or 3 hits in a row to get a kill, which is very hard to do against an experienced player.


I have to disagree with this. This isn't a flame, and I'm not singling one person out on this... I'm just sharing an opinion.


I use Medium almost exclusively, and I'd say around 80-90% of the people I duel use Strong. On average, I win the majority of my duels (these are non-force, K-initiated duels, BTW). Yes, a lot of people spam DFA, and I get killed with it once in a while (usually in close-quarter levels like Star Destroyer where I don't have room to get away...). But once I learned to watch for it and counter it, it wasn't really a threat any more.


Personally, I like the Medium Special Attack, and use it (successfully) often. It looks pretty cool, too. :D I even had one instance where my opponent jumped at the same time I did, and landed on my saber in mid-air, after I had already swung. It killed him in one hit, and we both laughed at the randomess of it afterwards....


Anyway, my point is, Medium is a very effective stance, and I think it takes more skill to plan Medium attacks than Strong ones, because Medium attacks have a lower chance of penetrating saber defense. So attacks must be timed and executed with precision. IMHO, I think that the saber stances should have been as follows:


Light: Lowest damage, farthest reach, lowest recovery time.

Medium: Average in all aspects.

Strong: Highest damage, shortest reach, longest recovery time.


It just seems to me that giving Strong a power AND distance advantage is a bit unbalanced. Light, on the other hand, needs more thrusts and acrobatics to be truly effective in combat. Or perhaps giving it a power increase, but require pinpoint accuracy. If that were the case, I think Light stance would be used more.


To each his (or her) own. But as it is, I'll stick with Medium. It works for my style of dueling.

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Agreed, I ONLY use medium because it fits my style perfectly. People charge at you with heavyattacks which is when you use the finsher cause its hard to dodge it then.


When people try and use the 1 hit kill, you move to the left or right and slash there side, this works on pretty much every map and every heavy attack as well, The only problem with this is some times you miss and have to roll to avoid the sabre slash or take major damage.

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