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Wrong Game Folder


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Originally posted by teleguy

If the server is set to pure server it requires that server and clients all have the same gamedata and the same install path in order to join .

So the only thing you can do is not to check pure server ( in the create server screen / advanced options ) when you start a server . Maybe it will help to install the game into

C:\Programfiles\LucasArts\.......... .

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  • 3 weeks later...

I really hate to bump this, but I never have found a decent solution. I installed the game to the default directory, and seeing as you say it's the pure vs. non-pure setting on the server, how the heck do I tell if a server will accept me or not from the selection screen?


I've had the game since it came out and am still stuck playing bots-only MP due to a lack of patience in clicking every single server and trying to join. And with the new patch only being installed in some places, it's even harder to get into a game!


And here I was hoping that would be one thing the patch would fix... I thought I read elsewhere that being a "pure" server meant that nobody else would see your model/skin, not that you wouldn't be able to join at all...


OK, I'm confused and a tad bit frustrated. I'd hate to have to dump all the cool custom skins I've downloaded (really great work by really talented people) and only play with the models as they were provided with the game, but if I have to move all "new" .pk3 files out of the /base directory before I ever get to play another actual human being, then I guess I will...


'cause it occurs to me that I already had pulled a skin before I ever tried joining another server (what can I say, thought I'd practice against bots before fighting real humans, just to see how terrible I am)


Sorry for the long post, lack of sleep and utter frustration will do that to a person... ;)

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Actually somebody posted that the server only checks the assets files. Maybe they got corrupted or you edited them (did you install the emperor bot ?) . However replacing the assets files on your hdd with the ones on your cd should fix it.

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AHHHH!!! Now I know what did it! I editing the Luke.jkb botfile in order to keep him from attacking Han & Leia in bot games! So if I pull the original file from the CD that might fix it? COOL!!!


So basically if a person (me) wants to edit the personalities of the built-in bots, it's best to create a new .pk3 file to store them in, yes?


Gracias amigo, you've made my day!

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