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Help in jumping cairn reactor


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Technically you don't have to jump from clamp to clamp necessarily. You can take the actual platform that goes on the clamps, then when the soldiers start to rocket you you can force push the rockets away until you get to the other side. Or, if they do hit the platform, you can jump on the clamps from there (and you'll be halfway through) since you have about 10 seconds before the platform actually falls.


If all else fails, remember QuickSave (F12) and QuickLoad (F9) are your friends. Jump on the first clamp. Save. Try the next one. If you fall, reload. Try again. Save if you make it. Continue like that. That way, you don't have to start from the beginning if you fall.


Another suggestion, when you jump be in 1st person mode. It's easier that way for most people.


If you really, really can't make it... you could cheat past the problem using noclip in the console.

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