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This hacking needs to come to an end.


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Okay guys, I knew one day it would come down to this. Cheating in mutliplayer games is a big deal. My major complaint are these two things (please excuse my provider if they are red x's):




The infamous "invisible" skin. Yes, this little "cheat" is easy to use and easy to block... all you have to do is chose the "Force Same Model" option, but I really hate playing a game where everyone is Kyle (or whatever you choose).


That is annoying, but this one is just deadly:




In case you don't understand what is going on here... this person has used the "\thedestroyer" cheat code on a non-cheat enabled server. That really imbalances things.


I've also heard that people have infinite life and infinite force hacks out already.


I really hate to see when games go to this, especially so early in their development. This is going to turn into counter-strike one day.


(In case you cannot see the images, I have hosted them on my site... Krazx.20m.com... They are called hands.gif and doublesaber.gif)

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Cheats is what ruined the first jedi game. If this game uses the quake3 engine then im sure there are ways to counter cheating. In action half-life several servers have something that scans their half-life files for hacks and such...ive seen it find some and kick people before. The server warns you ahead of time that it will be scanning your harddrive and if you dont' agree to the terms that you should disconnect.

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Thing is, most of these infinite force/life hacks start because someone can't beat someone else in duels and assumes they must be cheating and start spreading the word that way and so and so on.


So I wouldn't take anything by word of mouth unless you see it yourself. I've been accused of being a cheater by winning 15-20 duels in a row, without heavy stance abusing.

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I use drain in duels but not excessivly. One thing that urks me is when someone cries that im using drain and they are using heavy. To get drain I dont' use the heavy style, im losing something for what I gain.


Personally I dislike the heal and drain but I find that if I dont' use it I dont' stand much of a chance. I wish they had a neutral force only mode, I would love a duel with only neutral force.

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I never seen anyone use the invis mod cheat ( thank god ).


And i never seen the double lightsaber on any server either ( bummer ). I mean, the double lightsaber is cool or is it ugly ???


I think it looks pretty darn sweet with a double lightsaber, tho if he had double saber on a non cheating server, i just got one question.... Hooooow & make it legal if it is illegal???


Remember the fight scene, obi vs sith, omg i loved that:D :D

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These are just bugs... the game just came out, you haven't given time for a patch to come out yet. I've been playing online FPS shooter games like this for 5 years, and everygame has tons of patches, just wait it out and things will be fixed.

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Originally posted by Raze

That double saber pic is probably just fake.



No, it can be done with a cheat code. What I think he was complaining about is that some people have figured out how to use it on a server that isn't suppose to allow cheat codes.


I have used the double saber myself on my own server just to see what it looked like. I'ts actually kind of retarded since it still uses the regular animations so the second blade ends up going through you're own body during swings. It wont do any damage to you but looks stuped.


The real benefit to the double saber is that it is duppose to do double damage as well. So i can unbalance things when it's used on a Pure server (ie. no cheats allowed)

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This game has gone to hell. I showed my friend how Raze said the picture was fake and he flipped. Here's some recent submissions of his destructive tendancies.




This is him dueling, using a definite unfair advantage. This was a couple days ago when he wasn't really that crazy. However, now:




This is a collage I put together (amature, I know). He sent me 50 screenshots of different things, this is just what I decided to put together to save on bandwidth. All of these hacks were done on a multiplayer server that was not run by him.


If you think that these are fake (which really pisses him off), then I can send you the originals before I chopped them up.

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OK. the invisible skin. if you cant see a nice bright Lightsaber/Gun running at you swinging/firing then i feel SORRY for you.


Now, the double lightsaber. its not THAT much of an advantage, your acting like its god mode. its still buggy, and sometimes the backend saber doesn't even do any dammage. i've been able to take down people with that hack on with EASE. so please, if you see it, just leave if you don't want to put up with it.:rolleyes:

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Allow me to give you a little explanation of that second image (the collage).


The top left image is just him showing off his double saber and it's blocking animations. The double saber IS a big deal skidrowpunk... Not only does it do more damage per hit, but using the round swing manuver, you can take out 4 - 6 opponents with ease (assuming they are trying to swarm you with sabers).


The top right image shows him using cheats on a non-cheat server. Whenever you are on a server that allows cheats, the variable "sv_cheats" will be 1. Here we can plainly see that the cheats are off (or 0). He said he used a scripted command to set all the cheats at once, that's why the confirmations don't appear until after the commands. I've tried it myself and that is true.


The middle right one is his health in a multiplayer game. I think that this one really didn't need explaining besides the fact that yes indeed all of these cheats and hacks have been on multiplayer servers that were not run by him.


Now I've heard of these cheats before, but I was baffled by the bottom one. It shows his amount of force points being 65535. I don't think he'll have any problem maxing out every skill with that. He also sent me a picture of him with maxed stats, but you cannot screenshot with the menu in your face so he had to bring down the console, which cuts out half of the things.


Anyway, I am in no way an advocate of cheating. I absolutely hate it. I never play counter-strike anymore because of the amount of cheating there. Fortunately I have only seen my friend using these hacks so far, but once it gets wide-spread I'll be taking this game back looking for an exchange.


So here's hoping they roll out a patch soon. :swear:

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IF you are no advocate of cheating you should tell your buddy to stop using them. I feel that by advertising cheats you are just allowing the people who do cheat to go out and find them. Now you are going to have a ton of people going out and looking for the Max Force Points cheat. If you are worried about cheating so much then dont play the game because in every game there are those who cheat and those who dont. So i would recomend getting to know some of those people who dont cheat and try and stick through it with them. I personally only play No-Force Duels so if there is a cheater they are kinda easy to spot.


Have Fun,


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He has every right to be concerned with cheating, not only because it causes an unfair advantage in-game, but at the same time it decreases fun factor and increases frustration and the feeling that one didn't get his money worth.


Cheating will occur whether we talk about it here or not. At the very least we *should* talk about it in order to A) stimulate conversation, and B) bring issues to the forefront and possibly get Raven to fix these issues.


That may or may not happen.


But at any rate, there are still tons and tons of servers without cheaters. Have fun! And remember, be careful with that lightsaber folks.


- Twitch

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Originally posted by Skidrowpunk

OK. the invisible skin. if you cant see a nice bright Lightsaber/Gun running at you swinging/firing then i feel SORRY for you.


Now, the double lightsaber. its not THAT much of an advantage, your acting like its god mode. its still buggy, and sometimes the backend saber doesn't even do any dammage. i've been able to take down people with that hack on with EASE. so please, if you see it, just leave if you don't want to put up with it.:rolleyes:


Ok ... First off - the invisible skin is damn near impossible to see if the guy is using a gun or has his saber off. You just plain dont know he's there until after he's nailed you. This is a definite unfair advantage.


Secondly... The double saber does twice as many hits when you spin as a single blade. You can litterally kill twice as fast with the double saber - another DEFINITELY unfair advantage.


Third... The skins (ie - Kyle's Hands (shown in pictures above), and the headless Kyle, Ghost Morgan, etc etc) are all available in Muliplayer whether cheats are enabled or not. Point is this one is classified as an exploit not a cheat since everyone can do it without mods or cheats. The one that really p*sses me off is the guys that mapped the "laying down" skin and then they appear like a corpse until you get too close and then they nail you.


Guys like that ruin the game for all who just want to play fairly.


Don't bother asking me how to do any of these things. My lips are sealed - way too many people spamming this stuff already. If you want to use these cheats do what I do - start up your own MP game, fill it up with bots and cheat away. Keep it off the internet servers folks!



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This is going to turn into counter-strike one day.


I object CS being refered to as the game of hackers. The vast majority of CS players are decent ppl (myself included) yes it has alot of problems but alot of ppl are trying very hard to sort em out so just leave it will ya. Other than that i hate hackers with a passion (prolly somit 2 do with my cs) and it should not be tollerated however small thier advantage

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Guest Krayt Tion

Cheaters are a facet of online multiplayer gaming that is likely to remain with us for some time. Cheaters themselves are such at heart and if there is a way for them to do so then it will be done. Online Gaming, FPS Gaming in particular, will always be under assault from these types- the desire to cheat will never die.


That being said, there are ways to deal with them better no matter what game you play. These all apply to JO.


1 Feel free to vent, but recognize that once cheating has reared its ugly head the reality of joyously hopping around a large community of cheat-free servers for a true test of skill ceases to exist.


It's a beautiful dream, I know, for we all have experienced it in the wee infancy of a game's release. But you've got to let it go, mate! It will just cause you more heartache in the long run!


Unless your developer is a Valve (Steam coming up) on kiddie crack that scans the servers nighty for cheats to stop and will patch them asap for years to come, this is the fate of all of us.


2 Find and make the largest community of cheat-free friends possible and play exclusively on their passworded servers.


This is easier if you have gaming bud veterans to transfer over to your new game. This isn't for everyone, obviously. This certainly isn't good for the casual gamer that would like to log on and play whereever without talking to people or getting noticed much. But in case you haven't been paying attention, cheat-free certainty on random public servers is a total pipe dream once your game is hacked.


3 Find a server with good server admins and stick with it.


Probably the best option for most people. A server with attentive, knowledgable, active admins is your best defense against cheaters on a public server.


Avoid admins that aren't good at spotting cheaters and kick/ban people when they mistake their skills for hax.


4 Get admin on a public server and become the Flaming Sword of Justice yourself. :D Even if you don't own a server you can still befriend the admins there and be given status. I did this with Counter-Strike and was appointed admin on my favorite server. I often ended up admining instead of playing; the downside to being a server admin is the admin work that often takes out of your play time.


Hey... all for now.


Raven is coming out with a patch for JO and maybe they will stop some of these cheats. Post-patch, if the game is still big enough then, more cheats will still be developed. It is doubtful that Raven will continue to patch for cheats, so start looking into more alternatives like the things I mentioned above if cheating really bothers you.

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