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EP2 Anakin Skywalker for download...

Evan Nash

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A lot of words could describe this skin... Here let me name a few..







I'm looking at the cover of the prologue to AoTC book... And i stand awestruck by the resemblence.. Very good work.


Now how about an excellent Ep 2 Obi-Wan.. theres one.. but his hair is a tad messy. I think you could pull it off.




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Thanks a lot yet again for your help here Evan! I will put this in a new zip with a readme with credits for your help and ask jk2.net to post it. I apologize for not replying yesterday, I had left for meeting some friends and afterwards fell into the bed without even minding the coomputer :)


Everyone else: Enjoy!


As for Ep2 Obi-Wan..I was actually tinking about that one. But I think I would *really* need a model for that one. I could give it a shot with Kyle though, if it doens't work out I guess the textures could be always reused when a model is made.

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Originally posted by Elessil

Thanks a lot yet again for your help here Evan! I will put this in a new zip with a readme with credits for your help and ask jk2.net to post it. I apologize for not replying yesterday, I had left for meeting some friends and afterwards fell into the bed without even minding the coomputer :)


Everyone else: Enjoy!


As for Ep2 Obi-Wan..I was actually tinking about that one. But I think I would *really* need a model for that one. I could give it a shot with Kyle though, if it doens't work out I guess the textures could be always reused when a model is made.


There is a really good Episode I Obi-Wan Kenobi skin by Al MacDonald (alcool24@hotmail.com) that would only require the face and head to be modified to look like he does in Episode II, I'm sure if you asked the author's permission they'd let you use the rest of the skin:



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