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Ded Svr and Gateways/Routers


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I would like to start a thread specific to people running home LANs behind NAT boxes. [be it windows net sharing utilities or hardware routers]


The list of questions I have are as follows:


1. Can the JK2 server be run successfully behind a NAT Gateway/Firewall; will doing so induce increased lag?


2. What ports, exactly, need to be forwarded/excluded from filtering? (creating a firewall breach...?)


3. What are the bandwidth and processor needs for a...16 player server?


4. If one is using a software gateway, is there an advantage to running the server on the gateway machine as opposed to an internal LAN box?



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This thread may also hopefully hold the key to my problems running a JKII server behind a smoothwall firewall+router. The dedicated server is running properly when it is on my same subnet, but when I move it to 2.2 I get nothing, and either way it is invisible to the outside. IN particular I think I must be missing some port forwarding, external access or DMZ pinhole settings. Please anyone who might know something about this, see my other thread:




Where I put the whole thing out in more detail.


Boy do I want ot get this working, but I've had no luck whatsoever. Thanks to any who can provide more information.

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JK2 servers use ports 28060-28062 (inclusive) and then 28070-28080 (inclusive). Now, each server will only use one port in the second set and that is 28070 by default but can be set using net_port. The first set is used by the master server heartbeat. Generally, net_ip only needs to be set when a box has more than one ip address.

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Forward UDP ports 28060 to 28500.


I tried setting just the ones on Lucasarts site but it wasn't enough. I widened it to 28100, and that wasn't enough for more than 3 or so people to join in. So I upped it to 28500 and so far I can get in about 8 people total on a dedicated server, and then things start to bog down bandwidth wise on my cable connection.


For iptables syntax, see my notes here:


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One easy way to isolate if it's your router causing the problem or not is to pull the router, temporarily, and hook your box up direct. If it solves the problem, then you know it has something to do with the router. If it doesn't, then at least you know it's more than just the router--if it's the router at all.

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