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omg at that last reply on my last thread. you have parties? you bring chicks over? cmon, stop playing sims dating!! you fukin losers dont even know what girls or parties are.


you all SUCK at jk2, i passed it within days. sorry bunch of nerds who cant get passed the 1st level.




all you virgins quit jerkin off to lora croft and get a real chick...oh i know its very hard for you ugly fat idiots, but you should try to get out of your moms basement sometime and get some sun.



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You're basing your worth as a human being on how quickly you finished a video game?


AND your grammar is atrocious...


Normally I don't respond to flames, but it looks like you've been booted from this forum before. If you think we're all losers and that everyone here sucks....why are you hanging around here?


A psychiatrist would have a field day analyzing you. Didn't you get enough love from your Daddy? Oh, or maybe a bit too MUCH love from your Daddy?


For those reading this, don't reply anymore. Just let this small, pathetic human rant alone. No matter how much you want to put in your two cents worth, don't....we can all have much more fun playing JKII and watching his efforts to piss us off become more and more outrageous.

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Why don't just just activate a thermal detonator and save us all the agony? Or if you are able to play MP then let me have your nick and I will teach you a trick or 2...hmm?


Or maybe just leave this board, no one needs your negative remarks. It clear that you have alot of problems with yourself.

I'm close to feeling sorry for you. Go now...leave us please ...


Sorry for the bump guys.

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