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better than sex


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This game is better than sex. I know most of you out there have never had sex before but trust me, this game is better than it. So stick to your secluded, lonely life and escape reality with this one, a virtual reality suited to gratify every escapists needs. I mean it feels like you're actually in a star wars movie, could life get any better? So avoid all social interaction and confrontation, especially with women, because they're not worth your time; for you are a true jedi master and know the ways of the force, something chicks could never understand. This game provides a much safer sex,so use that force pull to put old willy back in your pants and just concentrate on your mission young jedi master !

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The game IS good....

REALLY good...

The best FPS, Star Wars or otherwise, that I've played in a long while...


But if my beautiful wife crooks a finger and smiles "that" smile, I'm dropping Kyle in the next pit, or sending him to the tender mercies of that ATST or Reborn...


NOTHING is better than sex.


(besides, I play better afterward...not as tense, and you're only talking about sacrificing 45 minutes to an hour of gaming time)


(okay, okay, 20 - 30 minutes, but that's as far as I'll go)



(FINE, OKAY, I can pull myself away from the game for 5-10, but as I say to my wife, "C'mon Honey, foreplay isn't THAT important")

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Agree that this game is one of the best (and I've played them all), but there is only one problem in your statement; I'm a chick, so there, proved you wrong!:p Totally enjoying this game.

Not better than sex though, nothing is, take my word for it.


Best regards

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I'll agree, this is one of the best, most compelling games I've played. I rarely complete the campaigne portion of any game that has MP capability, but this one is keeping me locked in.


I go to sleep at night thinking about the game, I have dreamed the game. I wake up in the morning thinking of my next strat. to use later in the evening when I get in from work...


There was only one other game that I got so hung up on, and that one is now in limbo "MPBT 3025"...


So once again, I say kudos to the Deves. on a job well done!!!



Nomads Place II


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Knowing that there are women out there that enjoy this game too, is such a turn on!


BTW, I was thinking... Why doesn't LucasArts make it so that you can play the role of either Jan or Kyle.... or pick another woman Jedi, like Mara Jade or something. I think they could get more attention from the women Star Wars fans. What do you guys think? Better yet, what do the women think???


p.s. I know there are some women out there that have kicked my backside in MP more than once! You go girl!

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I would guess there would have to be a slightly different storyline, not to mention paying the voice actors, scripting new events etc etc.


Considering most of the code is already there, it probably wouldn't be too hard to do, but it would take a lot of additonal TIME to program and would probably have made the game spill over into additional CDs.


GREAT idea though, maybe JKII add-ons could consider a female lead.....?

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