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Commands/Things to prevent high pings


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sv_maxrate limits the rate at which data is sent to the clients. The lower the number, the slower the rate. The actual rate that is used is the lower of the server maxrate and the client maxrate. Modem users have maxrates between 2500-5000. Cable/DSL users generally have a client maxrate of 25000. Most servers set their maxrate to 8000-10000. You can set it lower if you are trying to conserve bandwidth. However, if you set it too low it will start to create lag for clients who would not otherwise have it. I personally have my maxrate set to 7000 and don't notice any problems and don't receive any complaints.


Ultimately, pings are affected mostly by the distance from the server (hops) and the type of connection to the internet the player uses. Only under specific circumstances does the server have much of a direct impact on the player ping and that would be caused by exceeding the server's available bandwidth, setting maxrate too low, or maxing out the cpu/ram.

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