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To all the Losers, Nerds,etc. according to kingofstyle


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For a few days now, someone using the name kingofstyle has been posting on this site trying to get a rise out of people with lame insults and jabs. Initially, he claimed he didnt need any help beating the game and went on to call us all losers, nerds, virgins, and a few other things.


I have to admit, I took the bait and responded to his post by quoting his earlier posts where he begged for help with some of the games easier puzzles. I then decided it would be a better idea if I just bumped all his posts for everyone to see. I figured it would show how big of an idiot he was, and I was interested how he would respond. I figured his response might be entertaining.


He did respond several times and was eventually banned from this site. He responded to the ban by creating a new user name kingofstyle2.


I could care less if he posts on this site and am not bothered at all by his insults. As I said before, I even thought his posts might be good for a laugh. The problem is that his posts all say the same thing. There is absolutelly no creativity to them at all. In other words, they are boring. So, to save you some time in reading his posts, I'll some up for you everything he has ever posted, as well as everything he will ever post since he says the same thing every time. In his opinion we all


1) are losers,virgins, and nerds

2) suck at this game

3) live in 1 bedroom appartments which we never leave

4) dont know what girls are and need to get laid


Those 4 elements make up every post he has ever made.


I realize that this will not stop him from posting and really dont care. I just figured it would save you all some time and hopefully keep you all from responding to his posts. I hope eventually no one will resopond to his posts, or even view them.


If he ever does get a bit creative, his posts may become entertaining enough to read. Until then, you have read everything he has to say by reading the 4 things I listed above.

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Since when was being a virgin or a nerd a bad thing? BTW, nerds generally are not losers. Some of the most successful people in the world are nerds. Nerds can be jerks, but that's not the same thing as a loser. Okay, okay, there's Bill Gates, but I did say generally. I agree, it's time to stop feeding this troll and go back to our 1 BR apartments that we never leave, 'cuz we order out all the time.

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I think one thing that would be a ending to this punk, would be if we see his handle on a message to not even give it look see...


That way if "it" comes back to see at least how many people have just looked ( weather or not they replied) he wouldn't have anything to get his jollies on if all that was there was a big fat ZERO like him!!!



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Lets see: Married

2 Kids

Great Career

36 and enjoy computer games in my free time


Nope, don't feel like a looser, don't live with my parents and know what a girl looks like naked.........But, I'm a certified Star Wars Geek!! I can live with that.


And yes, forums helped me through the game. Most likely the help came to me from some 12 year old and I thank you.:D

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