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How can I make Maps ?


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Hi I have a question.


I want to make a Map. I saw that the Maps are *.bsp files so they can be made by Worldcraft ?!


But how can I make a *.pk3 File ?


Which Tool do I need that the *.bsp files can be convertet into *.pk3 files ?



Hope you can help me


so long...

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You can start by checking out the Editing Forum.


Next you need the JK2 SDK, from the front page of jediknightii.com (brand new!). It contains all the basics for creating JK2 maps as well as other things.


Quake 3 engine maps cannot be made with Worldcraft. They are made with a program called Radiant. Different games use slightly different versions of Radiant, but they're essentially all the same.


PK3 files are similar to ZIP files, and you can even open them and view what's in them with ZIP programs like WinZip or WinRAR. They aren't necessarily maps alone.

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