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easter egg? EASTER EGG!?!?...I got your easter egg.....*spoilers OBVIOUSLY*


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don't read this if you want to find them out in game for yourself(if at all possible)


I was messing around with the SOF2 model viewer and there is several badass animations that you most likely wont see any other way...Here is a brief list of some of the animations:


1)When a player gets knocked down he gets up like Agent Smith did when he was fighting Morpheus in the the movie The Matrix.


2)Serveral counter moves such as rolling over your opponents back.


3)A ton of awesome death animations.


4)Some wierd animations of kyle (or some other character, most likely a baddy) sitting on the ground with thier hands up begging not to be shot.


5)More Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon moves.


6)And at about frame 8000, it shows the wierd as hell kyle/jan kiss animation...then oddly the next animation is someone on thier knees making an...odd motion

(not a joke...well not on my part anyway)


7)There is also an animation of someone at attention (i assume Stormtroopers) then leaning over to grab the person next to them's buttocks.


8)Probably the coolest animation though is the EP1 Darth Maul spin(s)...


To view these yourself:


[/edit]Download the tools Raven released, open mod view, open up a glm file and press the play button to view the animations.

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WOW there were some really cool animations in there Kx_Dra_Sycdan. I hope these get used in mods and stuff. There was even a kipup where he jumps from his back onto his feet. Very Cool! I can't wait till the mod tools are released.



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Originally posted by Kx_Dra_Sycdan

I fail to see how you can be so sure at this point that they are in fact not used...



You cynical little turd


I fail to see how your feeble little mind is capable of using a keyboard. People play the **** out of games. Moves can't stay hidden this long.


You ignorant little hermaphroditic weasal

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Awwww, are you angwy...


blah. Lighten up, you shouldn't take things on internet message boards so seriously.


I was simply pointing out that you have no real idea whats not in the game, as the game has only been out for like 3 weeks...


People play the **** out of games...


Hey good point.... :rolleyes:


And besides even all of that, Raven hasn't said that they are not in the game yet...


So Hush

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I'm not angry, I dont get angry over the internet, and to do is just plain sad.


blah. Lighten up, you shouldn't take things on internet message boards so seriously.
I didn't take it seriously. I just stated that I don't see how junk equates a secret that is meant to be found by the average player.


I was simply pointing out that you have no real idea whats not in the game, as the game has only been out for like 3 weeks...
Three weeks is plenty of time, hell one week is usually enough. Just because you're incapable of knowing doesn't mean others aren't.


If they were in the game, you'd know it by now. It's as definate as the sky is blue, as cold is outer space. Junk being left in happens all the time. They feel its better to just not use it and leave it, than spend the time taking it out.


As long as I'm right, I'll never hush. Roll those eyes all you want mister, it doesn't make you right.

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Riiiiight moving on...



Raven and/or Lucas Arts I think you might want to clear some of this up, people obviously need that and can't appreciate that fact that the animations are even there (it's just more convieniant for them to be cynical, and not consider the fact that when the tools are released we can probably impliment them in game if they are not already)

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i cant say about all of them, as i aint been playing the game for long, but quite a few of them posted i know are in the game.

For example, the agent getting up move, can be done by Kyle and Luke by Tapping jump really fast (i think) in multiplayer after you have fallen down. (some1 posted this ages ago, and im jsut going by memory)

And the hands up on knees anim is the one used by The stormys when they are disarmed and bored of running around in headless chicken mode... maybe Raven used the same anims for all models, and just called upon the frames needed for that particualr model.

Cant say much about the rest atm, but ill look :p

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Originally posted by Kx_Dra_Sycdan

1)When a player gets knocked down he gets up like Agent Smith did when he was fighting Morpheus in the the movie The Matrix.


This is definitely in the game, I've done it on mnay occasions in MP and I've seen plenty others pull it off. I'm not sure how exactly as I start tapping jump and crouch as soon as I get knocked down. I think tapping crouch does it. But it is defintely in there.


If its character specific, I use the Tavion model so try that.

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This is definitely in the game, I've done it on mnay occasions in MP and I've seen plenty others pull it off



That's friggin' awesome!


I would just like to point out that I just got the tools so I will no longer be posting anymore as I will be consumed with editing (or at least half assedly trying to edit :p)


- cheers!

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Originally posted by Irimi-Ai

not sure if you guys knew this, but there are already several mods out that let you do the maul spin (butterfly), cartwheels, and ariels. check




for more information. I will also be adding those other "get up" moves into my version of the acrobatic mod.





Perhaps you could include those evade moves i also listed as well...

And/or perhaps you could (if it's not to complicated this early) use the wall hop animations, so for example when you jump towards the high bridge in ffa_bespin you hit the top of it and boost yourself completly over it with the implimented animation.



Also what about that sweet Jumping Spining Slash move? (around frame 1200) that would be a real nice finishing move to have.

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