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Editing Tools Q&A


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I am new to the editing community but hope to be a regular. Anyway here is my problem, when compiling it appears to be doing nothing whatsoever. When I used EFRadiant, it would show me at what point of the compiling process it was at, but with JK2Radiant it shows me some folder address it is looking at. It does make a bsp file in the map directory, but it would be nice to see what its doing.

I just do not want to start making big maps when the compiling time starts to be 4 hours or more. Thanks in advance for answers, for I might not be able to visit this forum tommorow.



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I try to load my shaders for JK2 radiant and they say opening...filename... failed then replacing...filename... with...filename... I have tried to use shadered also but it has a message that pops-up saying that they dont work. and it says some stage thing is messed up when I try to figure out what the problem is... plz, if any one can help, it would be most appreciated

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  • 3 weeks later...

how in the world do you get unlimited force? i got a trainer and it has unlimited force but crashes the game with "illegal" actions all the time. i get so tired of hitting the "give force" button all the time. this is the only modification I really really want and i can't find it anywhere. it seems as if it would be a simple thing to do- but i am clueless and have not learned any editing yet. I figured this would be the place to go to find people who can do this. Please send me e-mail with whatever you know. Thanks Very much!!!

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One thing you could try for near unlimited force is to set the amount of

force 'ammo' you can carry realy high.

To do that edit weapons.dat down at the end there is a list of all

the ammo types and their max carry number. At the begining of that

list there will be "Force" wich is set to 100 or something. add a 0 or two

and you should have more than you could ever use in a short period

and it will still regen like normal.

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i am so new to this stuff - I don't even have a clue how to edit the weapons files. I have all of the editing programs, but they might as well be in another language. I have even tried to use a memory program to make a trainer just for unlimited force bar- but is is just as complicated. If any one can help the helpless, I beg you! Thanks

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 5 months later...
Originally posted by Joben

One thing you could try for near unlimited force is to set the amount of

force 'ammo' you can carry realy high.

To do that edit weapons.dat down at the end there is a list of all

the ammo types and their max carry number. At the begining of that

list there will be "Force" wich is set to 100 or something. add a 0 or two

and you should have more than you could ever use in a short period

and it will still regen like normal.


Actually it's not in weapons.cfg, but you can edit your saber throw to use Nothing



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Originally posted by Darth Exar Kun

I really need to know what the best Jedi Knight II modeling and skinning progam is because i want to make a couple models like Exar half saber and a Trunks model so can someone please tell me


Try using milkshape3D, and for skinning, you have to put up with this stretched thing, unless you have photoshop, use the stretch/skew button.:)

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Originally posted by Arjay

Does anyone know the console command for recording a demo/movie and stoping recording?






To make a roq, which is basiccly a demo except used like cinematics, read this.


1 What is it?


A .roq file is a compressed video file that the engine can read and decode, thus allowing video to play both in the menu and in the game.


2 What features does it have?


A .roq file plays back at 30 fps and can have sound depending on where it is used. Thus, the input files must be presented at 30 fps to appear correct in the .roq. Recording at 15 fps for instance will make everything appear to play twice as fast in the .roq. Sound will play back in the cinematics (the intro outside the menu, Raven logo, id logo, etc.), and in the menus but not in the game.


3 How do I make a .roq?


3.1 The Standards


A roq file is made up of individual .tgas that are processed to make the movie. For a cinematic video or a menu video the source tgas must be 512x512, 256x256, or 512x256. Inside the game, they must be 256x256 or 128x128. No other sizes will work.


A set of files must share the same file name and be numbered sequentially. For instance, if you want thirty seconds of video for an intro logo, you’ll have 900 .tgas named something like “logo001.tga, logo002.tga… logo900.tga.”


3.2 The .param file

Next, create a .param file. It’s basically a text file that the roq compliler uses to create the file. Here’s the syntax:


INPUT_DIR – This is the directory where all of your .tga files are stored.

Example: INPUT_DIR c:\quake\base\screenshots

FILENAME – This is what you want to call the .roq file and where to store it.

Example: FILENAME s:\base\video\intro.roq

SOUND – This is where the .wav file is stored that will be incorporated into the .roq. Remember that only the cinematic and menu .roqs can have sound. Also, make sure the sound is the same time as the video.

Example: SOUND s:\base\sound\intro.wav

INPUT – This is the actual name of the .tga files. If the files are all named sequentially, you can use a wildcard (*) and then list the numbers in brackets after.

END_INPUT – This tells the program to end compiling.

Example of INPUT and END_INPUT:



Shot*.tga [0001-0223]



You can also hold on a particular frame by listing it multiple times.














Shot*.tga [0001-0023]



What this does is hold the first frame for 1/3 of a second. It’s played ten times at 30fps.


3.3 Run the RoQ compiler


That’s almost all for the creation. Next actually make the .roq file. From a command line, go the video directory (For SoF2, it’s in s:\base\video, this is where you should store your .param files.)


Type “roq filename.param”. It takes a while to process it all, but once it’s done, you’ll have a .roq file named whatever you called it in the FILENAME section of the .param file.

Example from command line:


roq intro.param


When finished, you’ll get a file called intro.roq stored in s:\base\video as specified in the FILENAME parameter.


4. Putting a .roq into the game


You need to make a shader for the designer to put a .roq into the game.


So here’s a step by step:


1. Create a new shader.

2. Give it an editor image (maybe the first frame from the video).

3. Flag it nolightmap.

4. Create a new blending stage.

5. Select videomap in ShaderEd2 and browse to the location of the .roq file.

6. That’s it, there’s no second stage!


The designer now treats it like a normal texture when applying it.



There can only be one .roq in view at a time. Only one! One! Is that clear?! (If more than one is visible at a time, they will both sit on the first frame, and not animate.)


5. Putting a .roq into the menu


Step by step:


1. Find the appropriate .menu file that you want to have the .roq in.

2. Write up a bunch of stuff that I don’t understand.



itemDef {

name ctf

group grphelptext

style 5

cinematic "roqtest_new.RoQ"

rect 10 154 256 192

border 1

bordercolor .5 .5 .5 1

visible 0



3. The important things are “cinematic” and “rect”

4. “Cinematic” is the actual file you want.

5. “Rect” has four numbers. The first two are the “x” and “y” coordinates for the location while the third and fourth numbers are the size you want the .roq to be drawn at.



6. Putting a .roq into the logo intro


Step by step:


1. Make a cool new Raven logo.

2. Call the .roq “raven.roq”

3. That’s it. The game is hard-coded to accept “raven.roq” as the logo file.

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