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Sdk Help!!!!!!


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If it doesnt make sense then either

a) read it again until it does or

b) paste exactly what doesn't make sense & ask specific questions.


You don't come off as too intelligent with "i want help i read the read me so little. and does not say how to save in easy ways i dont think it say . anyways pls tell me."* Get out there and learn some, boy!



* Apologies if English is not your native language.

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I prolly shoulda kept my big mouth shut. :) I don't know myself how to save in the SDK. It's just asking vague questions w/ poor grammar in my line of work gets you a smack on the head and a resounding RTFM. I don't mean to be a dick & no offense is intended. Good luck in your search, kanehart.

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err...plz dont take this the wrong way, but file, save. choose what ur map's name is(preferrably 1 word), and browse to C:\JK2\GameData\Base\Maps...save it in there...


replace C:\JK2 with wherever u have ur copy installed.


any further than that(compiling), im having trouble with myself...



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