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Need Help Beating Tavion - Alot


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Playing on Jedi Master Level. Didn't have too much trouble with any of the Dark Jedi until now. I've probably fought Tavion about 80 times and have been killed each time. Often she jumps over my head, slashes down and I'm dead. Alot of times she slashes upward from the ground and I'm a goner. Are there any defences against these?


Is there no defense against her lightening bolts? Throwing my saber is no good as I don't get it back against her. When she chokes me I use force push but for some reason doing that turns my saber off and then I have to quickly re-ignite before she kills me. My choke is useless against her. I have scored against her but I get the feeling Raven has upped her health meter alot higher than mine.


Any help greatly appreciated.

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One thing is to keep moving, especially if she jumps. Do NOT stand your ground you will lose. Instead, whilst running move in for a quick hack or two then retreat to a safe distance, hopefully she will groan if she takes a hit. (It would be good to save your game each time she does this.) Use force lightning to catch her unawares once in awhile. I can't remember if you can use force heal (F5 Default) to recover quicker on this level? It takes time but you can bring her down.

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Thanks - I beat her soon after I got home. I took your advice and saved after every hack I got in. It was like:

run away

force heal

try and attack, if successful, save game

run away

force heal

etc., etc.


Overall, it looked pretty pathetic. But at least I can get on with the game.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I had trouble beating her too, but I found that if you force pull her and she blocks it but you try it again, you can pull her over. Then do a lightsaber throw and that will do a lot of damage. Also, jump a lot! And like the other person said, never stop moving!

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You have catch them off guard for force pull to work. I just kept my distance and did it constantly, jumping around to get different angles. Its easily the best tactic. And I quite fancied her really as well. Never mind...

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