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Help with JORadiant!

Guardian Omega

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I know especially when your a newbie like me, you following the tutorial having a great old time then it says do this but this isn't here and you dowuble triple, check it 20 times and it doesn't work so you post a topin on this forum and no one replies and why? I don't know there are ppl on here who know so much about radiant yet they wont take the time to type 2 sentances to help us. I jst dont get it anymore.....



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Guest JediAndrew



ok i had JO running and it was working great...



now all i get is probably teh same thing everyone else sees


in the right click now all i get as an entity is the worldspawn



that is where all the entities are suppose to be..



hmmm odd..


i even made it through the whole first few tutorials of bubbas..



not sure what to do now.

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KYA: grow up. Trying to trick someone looking for help into formatting their hard drive is a cheap trick. And, since C is the OS drive I doubt it would work in windows. But It's still a lame thing to do.


To the rest of you, I'll check mine and reply in a second.


Okay, mine shows up when I right click so I'm guessing it has to be a path issue. You all installed to the GameData directory right? I took some screens, their high res so I don't want to stick them here but the addresses are below.





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Guest JediAndrew

Ok i think i figured it out




go to Load Projects



load the MP project



now goto project settings


and put the full path of the entity.def file, mine just said mp_entities.def


i put the full path, and restarted JOR , reloaded the projects and now the entities are showing up..





just incase anyone was wondering the path would look something like this





i also took out any of the double \\ in the paths ( shouldn't matter)

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I've not dl the new tools, as I'm still at work, but once I dl them at home - I'll show ya'll what to do.

In the past, we would just right click and goto the info sub menu.

I also would image that there's a help feature ( like in past radiant releases ) that will let you search for info_player_start.



Of course, beginning your mapping adventures should realy NOT start with JO - go try something easy like Half-Life - any newb can get started pretty fast with WorldCrap, er Worldcraft.

Better yet, start working in the original quake engine first and work your way up to JO.


EDIT - yeah - I was right. simple.

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please dont do that, its quite destructive(serious understatement)


typically, formatting ur harddrive only gives u an annoyance, as opposed to a solution.


guys, u probly installed JORadiant wrong. Go to the project properties, and make sure that you are COMPLETELY POSITIVE that its pointing in the right location. These tips are not from earlier versions, they work here, and work now. I'm sorry I can't replicate the bug.


Try adding a worldspawn entity. Try selecting new map. Try reinstalling JORadiant. Try anything/everything. Sorry I can't be a bit more helpful, but this branch of editing is really outside my knowledge range. I suggest that y'all email ChangKahn, wait till tomorrow, and post the answer here. We'll get this bug solved. It just takes patience.



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Guest JediAndrew

sorry .. yeah it would be /gamedata/


i install my into a test path though which just has the contents of the Gamedata directory..


i forwent the autorun function above the gamedata directory



PS. No one read this if you are confused by it :-)

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interesting idea...but this is my older gaming compy(new one is currently empty, waiting for a new mobo...damn soyo), and i have limited space(30g hd), but ill try that on my new compy(60g) when it gets up and running...


well, now that we've(and by we, i mean andrew) solved that problem, we can move on to this one: can any1 compile & run their map? i cant.



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Guest JediAndrew

yea, haven't had a problem running it yet.


i do BSP -> bspFullVis


then i copy and past the bsp into my base/map/ directory

--- edit I do this because i am compiling my maps out of the default /base/map directory endedit--


then i run the jk2mp.exe ( since i chose the MP project settings)


then i bring down the console and type devmapall first_map

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Guest JediAndrew



I have been entering it manually ( i didn't see it either)


just when you bring up the entity view ( N key)


i just enter


Key: light

Value: 900 (light value)


hit enter and it should show up in the field now.

along with a visual change on the editor window ( larger area)

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