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Please I Beg You People No More Lightning/fire/ice Sabers!!!!


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Originally posted by Hibiki Kensaki

i think all the people should stop making these stupid lightsaber replacements... i mean im playing jk2 for the lightsaber and force powers... so why would i want something that isnt a lightsaber...


come on if u change the lightsaber its just not a star wars game...


So, agian, 'cause you missed it the first time, because YOU don't like it, everyone else should stop making them, using them etc.


That makes sense... :rolleyes:



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I completely agree.. it wastes space in the mod sections ... why waste time adding little dots around a saber.. or making it trail fire.. all it does is make your saber look stupid.. focus on new sounds/ music or saber colors... and MAPS (i honestly dont care if the map is a big square with a pit in the middle.. im just so SICK of the current MP maps

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I am a saber purist... not the way where I won't pick up a good repeater once in a while, but I won't play with anything that isn't the traditional light saber.


I finally broke down a few days ago and got the fire saber. I was quite dissapointed... never again.


If you are going to make a modification to the light saber, don't make it extreme like those.


colors... nice (but not black, black is gay) skins... very nice, gameplay mods... even nicer, but for god's sake... DON'T TOUCH MY LIGHTSABER!!!!!!!!


just my two battledroids worth: :bdroid2: :bdroid2:

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well I downloader a saber mod, not long ago. its called Saber_lookingreal.pk3, its a ****ING AWESOME SABER MOD!!

The sabers looks WAAYY more like in the movies, and looks a lot sharper. Anyway, go download it...NOW!


Hmm, where can I download it ?


I want to make the comparison myself.

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Agreed. When I started editing lightsabers for JK2 the first thing I noticed was that the more you change it from being a lightsaber the worse it looks. Dont get me wrong, Id love to see a flaming saber, but these firesabers and such just look like thick flickering lightsabers with a train that cuts off.


Theres the second problem, the swoosh. Granted the original swoosh sucked a$$, but a lot of these other ones (*coughlightningsabercough*) seem to just cut off while swinging (ill see if I can dig up a clip of what Im tlaking about, the swoosh just seems to stop, not fade off). What I learnt was to take a ver ysmall swoosh and let the game elongate it, thats how I made the swoosh for my saber (which, if I do say so, looks much better than many others).

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Flaming Sabers are as flaming as the creators.

and thats VERY homosexually flaming.

I agree enough's enough, those things get worse and worse after each is made, I also broke down to see what all the hub-bub was about and i downloaded "DarkSabers" WORST saber i have ever seen! I couldnt play a full game with it.

why dont people edit something useful?

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You do realize you're on a forum for modding a computer game based on Star Wars, thus giving you little ground to stand on when it comes to mocking somone's level of geekiness... right, sport?


Pot to kettle: You are black.

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Originally posted by FuShanks

You do realize you're on a forum for modding a computer game based on Star Wars, thus giving you little ground to stand on when it comes to mocking somone's level of geekiness... right, sport?


Pot to kettle: You are black.


Rofl Rofl Rofl... Encore




This forum, like most seems to have quite a few muppets who just cant seem to say anything constructive.. or nice..... Personally im all for freedom of speech, but how old are these people?





Sort it out moderators... :p



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