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Alright, The Modeling Tools are out, I have a REQUEST..


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That request is that someone please model a Blas Tech DL-44 (Han Solo Blaster) and a map that replicates the darth maul hangar battle in Episode 1. I downloaded the tools and can't figure them out to save my life, I used to do modeling and mapping for quake with worldcraft, but that was ages ago. Besdies, now I'm a composer and write music, modeling/mapping isnt something i have time or the want to get into. Would someone please do these things, I know there are very talented modelers and mapping people on this board. Besides, we dont need any more "lightning" sabers, and the like. Someone, please, it's all i ask.



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Originally posted by D.L.

I got the tools but I haven't tried them yet.


The whole Hangar and final Duel would be a lot better.


go to massassi.net and search for livingdeadjedi, has done ep 1 final battle map and others for Elite Force and is currently converting them over to JO :D

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