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What's with the netcode?


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I have play regularly on a server that hosts a 878/878 connection. He hosts other even more system intensive games smooth as pie and no lag or chop. JK2 seems to lag out and get choppy randomly and on other servers as well. This game really needs a patch to address net code fast. I've haven't seen net code this bad in quite some time.

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I don't understand what makes you think this version of the Quake 3: Team Fortress netcode is that much different than Q3: TA. You and your admin friend should check your rate settings and adjust accordingly. A bad rate setting will do exactly the things you've described.


Also, I do not believe he has ever hosted a brand-new, unpatched, unmodified game as complex as JK2 'smooth as pie and no lag or chop.' Simply doesn't happen. If you want bad netcode, look to the original Unreal (Epic will admit they screwed it over royally).

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