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Guns... not what you think!


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There's something that has been really chapping my ass reading these forums... people complaining about guns..


I myself use the saber, but come on! You can't expect everyone to use it. How can you say "Damn noskill guns"... It's the quake3 engine for *****'s sake!


A non-force user (Jedi/Sith/Dark Jedi) would be unable to use a saber to effectively kill someone.. same goes in the game..


Someine isn't too good with the saber (Not too force inclined) So they use guns, so what! They're part of the game....


Remember when Han Solo said "Just gimme a blaster" Or something along those lines...


The part I don't get it.. how can you expect someone to just use the saber?

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I agree completely. Personally I'm a saber kinda guy too, but if someone wants to use a blaster, i say let them play the game how they want to. Personally, I think it's very gratifying to pull a blaster out of someones hand and then kill them with it. Now, if anyone complains about anything in the game I target them indefinately, force grip them, and toss them in a bottomless pit (if available). I'm sick of whiners, so now i just regulate the best i can.


"Ancient weapons and hokey religons are no match for a good blaster at your side."


-Han Solo ANH



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I am making the transition from guns to lightsaber, so I would have to agree. Guns do take some skill to use, like timing. Sure the alt fire on the heavy repeater has splash damage, but the person firing the gun has to time and sometimes anticipate where the target is going to be when that shot hits them. Just referencing back to the Star Wars universe, force sensitive people are rare, so it is so much more likely that someone would use a gun, like Han Solo.

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Originally posted by Oea

There's something that has been really chapping my ass reading these forums... people complaining about guns..


I myself use the saber, but come on! You can't expect everyone to use it. How can you say "Damn noskill guns"... It's the quake3 engine for *****'s sake!


A non-force user (Jedi/Sith/Dark Jedi) would be unable to use a saber to effectively kill someone.. same goes in the game..


Someine isn't too good with the saber (Not too force inclined) So they use guns, so what! They're part of the game....


Remember when Han Solo said "Just gimme a blaster" Or something along those lines...


The part I don't get it.. how can you expect someone to just use the saber?


I think what pisses people (and me) off is when they are trying to have a sabre duel and some gun running fart comes up and starts to slam them with the Imperial repeater, now that just plain sucks. If the gun uses stuck to shooting others using guns, people wouldn't bitch, but when they attack people with sabers out........GOD THAT PISSES ME OFF:( :( :(

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It's not like guns are so hard to fight against, every gun has a weakness like the blaster can be blocked like crazy, the rocket launcher can be pushed back, and it goes for every other projectile weapon. People just suck so they need to blame it on guns. A true jedi can fight any opnent 1vs1 no matter what the weapon.

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Of course we are not true Jedi. None of us are. A true Jedi would be able to see things (eg: what your about to do) before you do them. All of us can not do that. We are all restricted to only seeing what has already happened so we are not going to be able to be Jediesque... even if we have the same abilities. The Jedi are only able to fight that well because they know what will happen before it happens. The rest of us are cursed with far worse reaction times.

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A non-force user (Jedi/Sith/Dark Jedi) would be unable to use a saber to effectively kill someone.. same goes in the game..


Someine isn't too good with the saber (Not too force inclined) So they use guns, so what! They're part of the game....


Precisely. HOWEVER, the problem is that the people who use guns still have the force open to them, they can push you grip you drain you lightning you protect and heal, and when combined with guns its just like farming kills for them. Using guns should without a doubt severely reduce or completely negate your force abilities. Lets look at luke.


ANH - Barely has sense - uses blaster in battle exclusively.


ESB - Sense, control - Has a blaster out in bespin but doesnt really use it


ROTJ - Sense, control, alter - Uses his lightsaber exclusively


A lightsaber is an extension of a force user, a gun is not.

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A non-force user (Jedi/Sith/Dark Jedi) would be unable to use a saber to effectively kill someone.. same goes in the game..


The thing that annoys me is the peopel run around with repeaters and the likes using the force(just about always dark jedi powers), i wish it was a choice out of one or the other.

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I'mn not against guns but guns and force do make it very easy for people to mow down others. Yes guns do take skill but on small maps like that imperial research facility it is way easy to spam guns and make kills. In one instance before I loaded the map to start the match the gun users was at 15!! (granted I have slow drives :( ) I know alot of people say..."Well just pull..but when they hit you with drain and then alt fire repeater it is just too devastating for me to react.

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Guest HertogJan

Yes, I know guns are in the game and I dont complain about them on servers.. But when I feel like playing ffa, i get reallyy pissed from the guys spamming the flechette and repeater alternate fire... Damn that is annoying, and you can't do a damn thing about it... I don't think it will be fixed by raven, so I guess I'll have to stick to duelling then, in order to play some descent game...


Because of the guns, I don't play ffa, although I would like that without the rockets, exploding trip-balls and concussion grenades... I don't mind blasters or repeaters or disperion rifles... I hate the things you can't dodge!


Yah, 'use force push'... Yeah, that works for maybe 4 times IF it works and then you run withoyt forced and you're finished... I hate when that happens...

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Originally posted by Oea

There's something that has been really chapping my ass reading these forums... people complaining about guns..


I myself use the saber, but come on! You can't expect everyone to use it. How can you say "Damn noskill guns"... It's the quake3 engine for *****'s sake!


A non-force user (Jedi/Sith/Dark Jedi) would be unable to use a saber to effectively kill someone.. same goes in the game..


Someine isn't too good with the saber (Not too force inclined) So they use guns, so what! They're part of the game....


Remember when Han Solo said "Just gimme a blaster" Or something along those lines...


The part I don't get it.. how can you expect someone to just use the saber?



Do you refer to "Ancients weapons and hokey religions are no match for a good blaster at your side, kid" perhaps. >:)

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Im not lookin to get flamed or anything just state the facts as i see it


I play DARK side (why? cuz the powers are cool)

Level 3 grip, lightning, push, & jump

I use my saber when i feel like it

I use guns (all of em) when i pick em up


I will duel when challeneged & I will challenge

I use blue & yellow saber stance (red is too slow)

I do not saber throw often (other than lookin cool I cant see any value to it)


This is a game......

Each game style has an objective

FFA - everyone for themselves - the object have the most kills


If Im playin FFA, im gonna kill you any way i can, & i wont pass up a chance to push or grip you into a pit. why? cuz your in my way to the top of the kill list


If i see a group of ppl duking it out sabers or not: If i have any weapon or enough force to lightning them all ill charge in head first. why? cuz your in my way to the top of the kill list


I have used guns on saberists..what happens?

They auto block or force push to projectiles back.....

So far the only unblockable weapon that ive seen is the homing rocket.....i force pushed one & it went off course then returned to its original direction it wasnt dead on but it was accurate enough to take me down to almost 0 health


Im not tyring to flame ppl but whining gets you know nowhere....learn to adapt


If i get gripped near an edge im grippin back & im takin you with me



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Originally posted by nubby

It's not like guns are so hard to fight against, every gun has a weakness like the blaster can be blocked like crazy, the rocket launcher can be pushed back, and it goes for every other projectile weapon. People just suck so they need to blame it on guns. A true jedi can fight any opnent 1vs1 no matter what the weapon.



Well said!!! From one Jedi master to another

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Gun use is fine with me. Full sabre defence is always my first choice of powers and it is both enjoyable and stylish to kill someone with their own gunfire.


The alt fire on the flechette gun is a useful killing tool, but it is also easy enough to avoid.


The repeater alt fire however is a serious game balance issue (just like the shock combo is UT) and needs to be addressed.


The best way (but the most unlikely) is for the game to be modified to include some system of training points which allow you to use certain weapons (just like the Force Power pool).


The easiest solution is for mappers to design maps that don't feature Repeaters - no brainer if you ask me.

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I like the guns in the game, it adds variety. I just hope in the next patch they make the use of guns like the use of Saber, and need to spend some points. As it is now, a gun user can use more force skills than a saberist can. Drop all your points on the saber stuff, and load them onto the other force powers. Kinda silly.

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I agree with MAXIMUS2111


I generally use my saber but there are times when I get bored

with that and go grab a gun they are in the game why not use them.


and on a ffa server I'm kiling everyone I can how ever I can


some times I even jump ontop of a building and snipe the snipers that are raining down on everyone.


If the guns are pissing you off go to a saber only server there are tons of them, if your having trouble finding them in the big list

download All seeing eye its much better than gamespy and it has filters to block servers with guns, passwords, empty, full, bots, all kinds of choices, out of the list. It is a great program.

you can gt it here:



There is no need to whine and cry about the guns they are part of the game if you don't like them go to a server that has no guns its not hard people.


its only a GAME


Just my opinion

King John




Wait right here I'm going to get my gun come back and kill everyone
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problem is all the saber only servers have jedi master force level. Personally I don't see a difference between max rank and guns....your etehr shocking or shooting, pushing someone off a ledge or blowing them off. I try to stay clear of max rank servers simply because its not much fun, people fight with force rather then brains and their saber.


My personal favorite is about jedi level force. You have to pick between this or that. I don't really mind guns except, as most people said, the 2ndary fire on the repeater. Sure you can push it back at them but they can shoot 3 times faster then you can push and its got about 10 times more ammo then anyone has force.


What I would REALLY like to see is a server with just neutral powers. Any idiot can swing a saber crazily and hold down his max force heal or drain. I was actually complimited today because I time my shots and think things through rather then just swinging crazily.


Heal and drain can be countered but I dislike them for a different reason. They seem to drag fights out and make it a long boring game of tag:

> Person gets hit

> Person runs while regaining force

> Person heals

> Person charges in and attacks again

> Repeat

I guess thats fun to some people but I think it makes the game kind of boring.

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I am a Saber user 75% of the time. But I do like to pull the guns off their hands and use it against gunners.


I don't think that you should be without force powers if you are a gunner. But maybe you will be one level down in terms of force points available.


So if you are Jedi Master level if you only use the saber, you will be at Jedi Knight level if you want to use guns.

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