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Using custom skins in online MP


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I'm wondering what steps I have to take to use custom skins in an online MP game. I know the server is the deciding factor in this, but I would like to know what steps I have to take. If the server allows it, I'd like to have others see my new skin. If that option isn't available, I'd like to use my skin even if only I can see it.


So what are the basic steps I have to do to use a custom skin? Is it more than just putting the pk3 file in my base directory? Thanks for any help or direction to the solution.



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There is a way. I saw it once on a duel server. I didn't ask the guy at the time but I wish I had. He did mention it had to do with the \model console command. I don't know how he did it tho, seeing that Models by the \model command I THOUGHT had to be the models in the game's PK3. I dunno but I would love to, heh.

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