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This is my first time to admin a Q3- based dedicated server. I have found that sometimes when I try to kick someone, especially if there's a space in their name, it gives me the usage of kick and doesn't kick the person. What can I do to kick people?

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Do NOT use serverstatus. The numbers returned are very unlikely to be correct since they are numbered starting at 1 rather than by their clientnumber. The only time you can 100% rely on the serverstatus number to any degree is when the server is completely full (including private spots). Then you can deduct 1 from the number to get their client number.


The reason for this is because, for discussion purposes, lets assume you have a server with maxclients 14 and privateclients 4. If the 10 public spots are full and the 4 private spots are empty, then you'll have client numbers 4-13 in use and 0-3 empty. If you do a serverstatus, you get a list that number 4 as 1, 5 as 2, etc. Client numbers start at 0 and any private spots are the first spots.


Now, another problem is that if you have players using client numbers 4 and 6 (5 dropped). then serverstatus would number them 1 and 2 and skip the blank spot. Sadly, the status command--which DOES show you the correct client numbers--is broken from rcon AND in the win dedicated server version 1.02c. At least in linux you can get a full status from the server console.


Sorry to give you the bad news. Kicking people, especially on a windows server using 1.02c, is a big pain in the rear.

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The server I admin is running on linux. I use the status command frequently to get the names, scores, and clientnumbers. I have tried to kick by client number, but it still gives me the usage: kick <playername> bit. Thanks for the replies. It gives me more info than I already had.

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Sorry, but the console strips out quotes so that won't work. A similar problem occurs when you try to remove a server pass via rcon. If you type:


/rcon set g_password ""


It will report what the current password is because the quotes are removed. To remove the password via rcon you must type:


/rcon set g_password none


It's a good idea. Sadly, it doesn't work that way.

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