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HELP plz!?!?!


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ok, ive been playin jk2 for bout 3 weeks now. Its all been mp tho. So i need a lil help with 2nd level i think it is. i got the codes for to get the bride workin, went across it. Then i got up on the other bridge and went in that room where if u fall in the water it will hurt u. and down that ramp theres another big open room with nothin but sentrys. ive killed all the sentrys, and i dunno where to go :(


some1 plz help

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hi mate!


i think its kind of tricky! i need MORE detail to help precisely


i need to know what level of difficulty you are playing! as i think on the easier ones YOU DONT NEED TO GO INTO THAT ROOM


in any case! you need to MAKE IT INTO THE ROOM with the LASER TRIP MINE! and pass there!


below is a link to a jk2 walk thru... seek help there if you is still stuck



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Greetings Cope,


It's been a while since I've been here, but I think that if you go to room with the electrified water and jump up on the ledge, then walk around to the room where the two Troopers, and the security guard were. You'll see a case in there near the door control on the left. Shoot the case (it's got yellow markings on it) It will blow the door control. Then you should be on your way again... (if I remember correctly)


You have been playing MP for three weeks? I'm just starting into the MP and it's kicking my butt.... The two games are totaly differant from one another... Only the controls are the same...


Man MP is intence!!! Woof what a rush it was, I think that I killed two op. team members and two home team members in my first jont out there... Oh well I have to learn that part of the game now...



Nomad's Place II


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