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Need Help Creating A Server,,


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yea sorry guys, im a real newbie and i would REALLy like it if some1 helps me:::: oK im not trying to make a dedicated server, BUT i want to create a game so me and my friend can practice to become l337s in this new game.. the thing is, i didnt touch any folders of JK2 or anything, i go to jedi knight multi>create game>choose wat time and wat map> and create... NOW when i go to about it says "server=LANHOST" or some bs like that. and wtf i did MULTI>creat game> and i dont see no damn option to make it lan or internet .. please some1 help me asap.... sry guys


thanks for your time. i kno its precious

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If you are using the in-game gui to create a server, you'll notice near the very bottom is an option called "dedicated". The possible choices are NO, LAN, and Internet. If you choose NO, then you get a listen server that can only be connected to via ip address--it does not advertise to the master server. If you choose LAN or Internet, you'll get a dedicated server that you can't play on without running a second copy of the game. However with Internet, the server should advertise to the master server so that people can see your game in the in-game browser and join.


If you just want friends in your game, I'd go with dedicated NO and have them use your ip to connect. There have been some problems with servers showing up in the master list. So, even if you go with dedicated internet, there's no promise it will show up. Good luck. ;)

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