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CD dosent load


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Well i got the game now but when i put the cd in my drive it just sits there and dosent really load or it goes extreamly slow, this means i cant install it, also it pops up with an error saying it cant read the cd or somthing. Can anyone help me wit this?

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Try opening the CD from My Computer and running the autorun.exe from there. If you can't, then it sounds like a bad CD. Return it to where you bought it from and get a replacement. An ancient CD-ROM drive could also be the problem. Very old drives don't like some of the newer copy protection schemes.

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Do you only have this problem with the JO CD or with other CD's as well. If it is just this CD, then can you put this CD into another computer and see if it can read the CD. If both systems cannot read the CD, but can read other CDs then you possibly have a bad CD on your hands and may have to return it. BTW, why can't you return the CD?

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Very old drives don't like some of the newer copy protection schemes.
It doesn't have to be THAT old. I've got a excellent CD-ROM drive (Aopen 52X) and it wouldn't read jack when a game has any of the recent copy protection schemes. It just spins and eventually "pukes".


I don't think any company is really putting any effort in producing better CD-ROM drives because "DVDs" and burners do the same and more. Plain old CD-ROM drives have effectively been phased out for DVD-ROM drives and burners which are getting all the latest technology. That's why people have much more trouble installing games from a CD-ROM drive than a DVD or burner.


I wouldn't be so certain your CD is defective. If you got a replacement, you may find that your drive can't read the new one either. Though defects are possible, the chances are higher that your CD-ROM drive just can't read the CD. Are you already using a burner or DVD-Rom drive? If not, can you find someone else's and try JO in that?

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