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Half-baked fencing system


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Light saber blades are totally weightless... The handles are not, ofcourse... The lack of weight of the blade is what makes lightsabers so hard to handle for most people, and why it takes so much skill to control it well.... Ofcourse, the actual sabers in the making of the movie were solid rods, covered with reflective material (the same stuff like on stop signs), but it wasnt reflective enough, so its also "painted" in light as well. Thats why sometimes if you watch the movies, the sabers dont look very realistic (as in, if its at a bad angle only part of it stays glowing).


Oh, and I mean the old movies, not Ep 1 or 2, since they have computer generated sabers anyway (although its still choreophrahed with a solid rod)

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There were quite a few digi-errors in EP1. Mostly known goof, the lightsabers don't actually cast light...which doesn't make sense.


Least known, lightsaber blades apparently do have shadows.


So Raven did get the no-ambient-light from an activated 'saber correct. But they fudged on the volumetric shadows. The blade should have one.


[sarcasm]But...But....The movie was like that![/sarcasm]

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Watching the saber fights in Ep1. I really, really hate how Qui or Obi just stand around, casually, waiting for their turn to touch their saber to Maul's. It looks so fake and scripted.


I mean, come on. Do you want to kill the guy, or do you want your saber to make sweet love to his?

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Perhaps the WORMS theory on Light vs Dark side holds true here as well.


The light side people have to be flashy, therefore, yes, they do want their saber to make sweet love to Maul's. That's also why they do the acrobatics, it's flashy.


I doubt it, but still :)


And I noticed several of the openings Maul left as well, but (to me anyhow) I didn't see a way to get at them aside from with a thrust. And, I don't think thrust was part of the normal jedi training. (In the books Luke comments that he's never heard/seen/read of anyone using a lightsaber to thrust after Mara thrusts the lightsaber through a training droid thing)


Anyhow, back to your regularly scheduled debate.

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Wow. Oh, boy. I just feel so happy I skipped into another of these "I'm so cool, I know how to fight in the kendo style and I know how to fight in the wushu style, and I'm so good, and everyone else sucks, and JK2 sucks, and I hate the lightsaber" threads. Good lord, get a freakin' life, people.

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Heh. I don't think the peeps here are that bad. But I do agree that some of us need to ligthen up about some of the practicality of 'saber combat - both game and movies. The Force is an important factor in combat. Though it can be seen as a symbolic similarity to chi energy, it is a different animal, here. Added to that, lightsabers only weigh as heavy as the hilts. And I'm willing to dismiss that gyroscopic effect theory, as not enough source material support it (sorry, I, Jedi).


I say that we give them Jedi the benefit of the doubt. Because apparently, all the kendo in the world couldn't save Darth Maul from Obi-Wan's acrobatics. ;-)

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[Pedantic , Your need to lash out is a reflection of your own inadequacy.

There are far to many misconceptions around here about the nature of sword play from armchair warriors such as your self.


But thank you for your oh so informative addition to this discussion.


Its fairly obvious who needs to find a life.

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Originally posted by Wes Janson SMR

Heh. I don't think the peeps here are that bad. But I do agree that some of us need to ligthen up about some of the practicality of 'saber combat - both game and movies. The Force is an important factor in combat. Though it can be seen as a symbolic similarity to chi energy, it is a different animal, here. Added to that, lightsabers only weigh as heavy as the hilts. And I'm willing to dismiss that gyroscopic effect theory, as not enough source material support it (sorry, I, Jedi).


I say that we give them Jedi the benefit of the doubt. Because apparently, all the kendo in the world couldn't save Darth Maul from Obi-Wan's acrobatics. ;-)



Have to agree with you here Wes. Especially with the 'I, Jedi' Thing. I liked the book too, but a couple of the things it say just don't add up properly with the other books.


One thing of which, was Corran and Luke randomly putting their sabers in chargers. Now I know that Lightsabers CAN eventually run out of energy. But, I still think they have quite the lengthy power-supply, even with constantly slicing through stuff. And two Jedi "topping off" their Lightsaber's power level just didn't seem right. But oh well, still a good book, and it did show more indepth stuff about lightsaber creation. Just wish some of it would be backed up by some other parts of the EU.

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Ok, first off, I don’t actually practice any sword forms myself, though I’d love to do Kendo but there isn’t anywhere nearby :) (I’m I big fan of Japanese sword technology). So if I get my facts wrong don’t flame me, just correct me.


The ‘classic’ style (ep’s 4 to 6) IS based on Kendo, though there are a number of mistakes, such as the occasions that Luke a Vader adopt a reverse grip (right hand at the pommel, left hand near the blade) which simply does not exist in Kendo. The ep 1 style is very similar but with the additions of certain tennis and tree chopping moves. The vast visual difference is the fact the Obi wan and Vader are a hell of a lot older and more experienced in ANH onwards. You see this in real Kendo (with out the flips ;) ), a younger swordsman will run a dodge like a maniac, utilising a variety of different én-garde positions from hase-no-kamé (like Qui gon) to (can’t remember the Japanese name) the hidden guard. A master will most often use the middle guard (like Obi wan and Vader on the death star) a be calm, cool and focused, waiting for or creating an opening. If you were to pit young Obi and old Obi against each other, old Obi would kick young Obi’s @ss all over the place! In fact you do catch a glimpse of the younger Obi in the death star fight; he does a pretty little spin near the beginning but then settles down and fights like a master. He proceed to show about the same (if not more) skill as Vader. He only loses because he chooses to.


Luke, on the other hand, is almost totally untrained. He fights with speed, yes. He fights with force enhanced perception, yes. He fights with strength, yes. He fights with impatience, YES. He fights with skill, NO.


Kyle is the same. Just think, who the hell taught him: nobody. He jumps around like he’s on strings, desperately trying to land a blow, if were to fight old Obi wan he’d get his @ss kicked to the proverbial forest moon. That’s why he fights like young Obi wan on crack with half skill!


(Not to say young Obi wan displays any great amount of skill)


Yes it would be nice if the mp engine would allow you to fight like old Obi wan (god knows I’ve tried), I’m hoping the mod detailed here will take a little notice of the ideas I posted. ;)


Oh yeah, thrusting is perfectly possible in Kendo with the straight shinai and even possible with a Katana (which is curved).


On this whole fencing thing. In the existing films, fencing doesn’t get a look in. Don’t complain about the game not exhibiting any of it attributes. Apparently (and I may be wrong) Count Dooku uses a fencing style in AotC. Hopefully any mod based on choosing one style and using different én-garde positions within that style, will in include fencing as a style along with others.


On the weightless blade thing. In ep 1 the props were weighted heavily in the hilt to simulate a weightless (or nearly weightless) blade. It doesn’t matter what anyone else says, is Lucas wants weightless blades, then the blades are weightless. OK! If he said the blades were made of intergalactic CHEESE, than that is what they are made of! (though that would be fairly silly :) )


*huh, huh, wheeze,*


Breath, Shred, Breath!


Don’t you just hate it when your reply gets kinda out of hand?


*Goes to sit in a darkened room to nurse his poor RSIed hands*


Shred Lord


If you strike me down, I will become

More dead than you can possible imagine.


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