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Server Not Showing Up Clues


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Ok, I been beating on this for a while now and Ive come up with a few "hypothesis" and potential solutions. (dont go jumpin for joy just yet)


First, I have been working on a launcher and believe that if you set an option and dont SPECIFICALLY change it or set it in the next iteration of your config file the jk2mpconfig.cfg will retain the previous not default settings. This has created some strange unanticipated effects on everything until I realized this.


Ok now to the info you're here for..


I have never gotten my server to appear correctly in the favorites tab until now. I added the ip, it shows the map but everything else is wrong, ping, no server name, etc..


Until now, I have ALWAYS had my server under the local tab with "UDP" after it and it has not been visible in the ingame browser or with The Eye (http://www.udpsoft.com/eye/)


After reviewing all settings in jk2mpconfig.cfg, I found some settings about udp, ipx, and in some posts I found info on IP and ports.


This launch bat file will make the game show up as local only with the info corect in the ingame browser (at least for me, your mileage may vary):


jk2ded.exe +set dedicated 1 +set noudp 0 +set net_noipx 1 +exec your.cfg


This launch bat file will show up in "The Eye" and most likely in the ingame browser when you pop into the 500th or less server slot:


(all one line) jk2ded.exe +set dedicated 2 +set net_port 28070 +set net_ip your.ip.goes.here +set net_noudp 0 +set net_noipx 1 +exec your.cfg


It takes about 5 minutes for The Eye to propogate your server, at least it did mine..


Im going to be updating my little launcher to reflect these settings and post a link when I get it done for people who are newbys or have already downloaded it and are usin it.


Hopefully this will save some people the 2 days of headache Ive had with this, or at least give ya some threads to work with..



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I have been pulling my hair out, as well as a bunch of cat5 :)


I don't know if it is what was recommended here or not since I did a couple other things, but I highly recommend people having problems to try these command lines. Because alls I know is that it is working now, and it wasn't before.


I have a secondary question. You list two main options, one for local, the other for broadcast. What would be the optimal command line to set it to listen so that it isn't broadcast, but my friends entering the ip in their 'favorites' server addresses can connect?

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Dedicated options:


+set dedicated 0 (listen server--connect via ip only)

+set dedicated 1 (LAN server--connect via lan browser or ip)

+set dedicated 2 (Internet server--connect via internet browser or ip)


NOTE: If you are on the same LAN as an internet server, it will show up in the Local list. Additionally, some people have reported having their server show up in the master list despite using dedicated 0/1. Could be a bug.

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The only way to keep people out for sure is to password the server. I think the dedicated 0 and 1 dont broadcast ya to the master servers, but people can still get in.. watch when it loads and see if it sends a heartbeat to ravens master.....




btw.. thx for the dedicated settings info Matrix..

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