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*SPOILERS!!* Attack of the Clones


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I found this book to be overall much more enjoyable than the relatively childesh Episode I, even though the entire underlying tenants of the plot included the love interest of Anakin and Padmé. What are your thoughts on the overall plot of Episode II?

I have already read it, so I don't mind if you post spoilers. =)


Overall, there were few awkward "non-Star Wars" blatant points, which I thought was impressive, especially considering the context. I am reading the prelude book right now, the Approaching Storm, by Alan Dean Foster, but I have not gotten very far into it.




My favorite part of AotC was the Yoda fight scene. This, I know, will be especially loved by all of the current Star Wars fans, as they have just been given by Yoda simple theory and things like that, but we actually will get to see him fight.

I cannot wait until the film comes out in theatres!

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Yoda fighting is going to be ridiculous if his fighting style isn't based purely on the mental side of the force. The minute Yoda pulls out a lightsaber is the moment I walk out. The little green bastard can barely walk and can't even stand up straight. His arms are something like 3 inches long. How would he fight?



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One, you have not read the book, and two, you have not seen the movie, and obviously you do not take heart in what all of the movies have been saying. The Yoda fight scene will be amazing. Let me put it that way. In this case, the book cannot do justice to what the movie can.


Also, for those of you who are doubting the appropriateness of the title (as I was originally), be patient. After you see the movie (or read the book) you will understand how beautifully perfect the title is.

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We all understand that the clones of Fett attack everyone, hence the name. It still sounds like a cheesy 50's scifi flick.


As for Yoda, as I said, if the fight scene consists of Yoda pulling out a saber and running around hacking and slashing I am walking out. How does anything you just wrote affect the above statement? You merely say "You haven't read the book" and wander off, smug in your supposed knowledge without any basis on why it would not look dumb to have a 3 foot tall hunchback running around fighting like Obi-Wan.



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Originally posted by Raynaga

We all understand that the clones of Fett attack everyone, hence the name. It still sounds like a cheesy 50's scifi flick.


As for Yoda, as I said, if the fight scene consists of Yoda pulling out a saber and running around hacking and slashing I am walking out. How does anything you just wrote affect the above statement? You merely say "You haven't read the book" and wander off, smug in your supposed knowledge without any basis on why it would not look dumb to have a 3 foot tall hunchback running around fighting like Obi-Wan.




First of all, in Episode II, the clones do not attack everyone, but even though this is obviously a huge part of the plot, I will let it slide. Second of all, Yoda does not fight like Obi-Wan, from what I have read. The reason that I did not want to explain myself is that I do not really want to reveal some of the major things about the plot unless people really want to know.


What my main doubts were about the movie was the love interest budding between Anakin and Padme, but I was not disappointed in that, and I have confidence that the Yoda fight scene will be very good.



For those of you who are interested, the clone army fights for the Republic, and for the time being, they are good for the entity. They saved the lives of I think (trying to remember what I read) twenty Jedi, including Anakin, Obi-Wan, and Mace Windu from the certain fate at the hands of thousands of battle droids



There, are you happy?


"I find your lack of faith disturbing."

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If you would kindly read the spoiler in my post, you will see what I am saying. Please do not even begin to question what happens in the movie, because you obviously have no idea.


By the way, even if the movie didn't have clones in it, the idea of a possibility of symbolic interpretation of the title would be perfectly reasonable.


In this case, the more literal and immediate implication applies.

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Originally posted by Raynaga

We all understand that the clones of Fett attack everyone, hence the name.




How does this post stand valid?




The word everyone ususally includes EVERYONE. In Episode 2, they attack FOR the Republic...


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Originally posted by thrEEpaGe


How does this post stand valid?


The word everyone ususally includes EVERYONE. In Episode 2, they attack FOR the Republic


ERM if ure gonna cover this up with a spoiler thing once u shdu do it again, and y did u tell me what happened to jango, u ruined my life booo hooooooooooo

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I remember someone commenting whole idea of Yoda fighting totally ridiculous, because he was calming down Luke all the time and talking about how "wars not make one great". Still, there is an old samurai saying that goes something like "greatest sword is that which will never be revealed".


Now, some of you might think that this truly fights againts an image of Yoda dueling, but stay with me a second. ;)


Many fans probably thought he was a crippled migdet who never dueled because A) he was old, B) he never believed in fighting and C) we never saw a lightsaber hanging from his belt. In reality though, he also has a limit and when someone goes over it, that "sword" will be revealed and you DON'T want to be his opponent, when it happens as few spoilers described him having a serious "don't f*** with the master" look on his face. :yoda:



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Originally posted by Lord_FinnSon

I remember someone commenting whole idea of Yoda fighting totally ridiculous, because he was calming down Luke all the time and talking about how "wars not make one great".

Nope, it's that he is small and appears to be quite immobile and weak with his short legs and arms. :syoda:
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i think yodas fighting technique will be as pure as can be. no frills. no fancy bunnyhopping. just a pure defensive skill. like the total opposite of vaders style.



ive seen a screenie of dooku and yoda at stances, and he looks the biz...


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If you have not read the book and read how the fight with Yoda and Dooku goes, you cannot judge on the silliness of the fight. Now, I obviously do not know how the fight will look in the movie, but in the book, I sensed no awkwardness to the battle at all. Yoda's style is all about grace and simple perfection. It was one of my favorite parts to read. I, like the majority of the hardcore Star Wars fans, am going to love that battle.




this one is not a spoiler, but its fun to use the spoiler tag



No, I am your father.


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Also, when the fate of two particular Jedi (not to name names, but if I were to name names, they would be Anakin and Obi-Wan) were at the hands of a certain ex-Jedi Master (again I am not going to refer to Count Dooku), I am certain that Yoda would have no qualms about fighting, and he shows that off perfectly in this book (and will in the film).

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Umm... Yoda fighting, yes he's small (judge me by my size would you?) but he's so potent in the force that he could just telekinesis himself around, augmenting his pretty feeble physical capabilities with a force talent that can levitate X-wings.


I think a green flying lightball (I'm gonna coin the term light rage here) beating down the sith is going to be really impressive.


Remember rule one: Never attack an unarmed small gentle old man wearing monk-like clothing especially if you're part of a large armed group. This goes double if he's green!


and now for LoonBB


Attack of the clones, the remake


Cut to...


A couple sitting in a car, a sunset caresses the Welsh mountains and birdsong and sheep noises fills the air.


[Woman] (Sighing) It's so romantic!

[Man] Also sighing and 'subtly' placing arm around woman) Er yes... romantic. You'd never know that those sheep were all called Dolly...

[Woman] (Sarcastically) Oh that's it ruin the mood why don't you. I suppose we should be getting back now. It'll be dark soon.

[Man] (suppressing frustration) Sure, Sure, whatever. [pause] (surprised) hey, the car won't start...

[Woman] (annoyed) oh great, and I'm not getting any mobile reception either... we could be out here for ages...


[Man] I'll see if I can fix it, sounds like a thunder storm is on it's way...

(Rumble, Rumble)

[Woman] (thoughtful) That doesn't sound like thunder, sounds like...


[Woman] No, more like a drumm..

[Man] (scared) No, the sheep, they're stampeding this way!

[Woman] (More scared) arrrghh! get in the car, get in the car!

[Man] It's tooo lllaaaaattteee!!!




roll credits....


to be continued (?)


Sorry to every1 else!

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The reason this film will not be any good is because of people like Raynaga who judge films without even seeing them, then go into the film with a feeling of hate for it, look for the bad bits and then come out hating it even more.


I pity SW fandom. At least Trekkies have got something legitamate to scream about with the two owners phucking up their series'. SW "fans" just yell at Lucas 'because they forget that they were Kids when they saw the films, and these films are not strictly adult films and because they're seeing the films that Lucas' envisioned, not the films that THEY envisioned.


Normally this would seem cynical, but the above is actually the sad truth.



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I am making no judgements as of yet. If Yoda uses the force to fly around and fight I have already said that is fine. If he follows the strictly physcial style of fighting we have seen so far, it will look dumb in my opinion. Why is this so difficult to comprehend?



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