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Jedi toned back


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You could allow Jedi and Sith but with some cutbacks, limit the number of Jedi that can spawn. Cut back Force powers to basic powers, ie no lighting, choke, etc. That way there's more dueling and less cheap kills. Jedi/Sith should count for more points when fragged as well.

I don't think the mod would take off without Jedi, I like the idea of the mod, sounds like Wolfenstein's. Vechiles would be bitching too.

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But if this MOD is set in the orignal trilogy then you have a problem with the whole jedi thing. During the OT there were only 3 jedi. Emperor, Vader, and Luke. Basically from what I can tell, this mod was going to be about the war between the imperial and rebel troops during the war. Similair to Tie Fighter and X-Wing where there is no force but as a FPS. Don't know if that is correct, but that is what I can tell from all that I have been reading.

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Don't forget Yoda and Obi. Yoda is gonna be showing the world why he is the most badass Jedi in Episode II. Apparently Morgan Katarn and Ciobath (or however it is spelt, from the Thrawn trilogy) were laying low during this time. Obi died in A New Hope. Maybe do a level with Sand People trrying to kill Luke and the droids, Obi protecting them? One person selected as Obi. The rest are sandpeople, one person is Luke who can pick up the weapons of enemies Obi takes out, and has to run away to an escape point.


Just heaping more crap onto your overfull plate Rog, sorry.


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I think the Jedi factor (if included into the mod) should be totaly randomized.


1 jedi per team. The jedi is random. Sorta like that bomb guy in Counter-Strike. Thus nobody would HOG the jedi and everybody gets a chance.


no #1 per team player.

no classes (everybody would also hog it)

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