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CTF strategies

Capt Darth

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I wanted to start a thread to talk about the differences in CTF. The few times I have played, our team is just a bunch of individuals each doing his own thing. I wanted to know if other people actually plan a strategy and what that is. Also, how do you combat these guys that hit speed and zip past with the flag!!!!!! By the time I hit speed, they are long gone!!!

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I have really just started playing the CTF games. So far you are right, it seems that there is not a lot of cooperation there. Usually there are the speed demons that want to grab the flag and run without attempting to enlist any help from the rest of their "team".


Unless it is a planned clan game, this will be the norm I'm sure.


Since the rest of the "team" seems to camp around the flag, I was using pull to keep the guy from running away so fast. I never use the dark powers, but I would guess that drain would be a good option there as well.

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There has never been any "planning" or "strategizing" in any Q3 CTF/team games, for one, you don't have the time to write out commands when you have to defend or attack. The only teamwork in Q3 really is in going in enemy grounds as a team all together nothing more.


If you want team cooperation, planning, then you would really enjoy RTCW.

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If you mean in public servers? then no, you won't get that in any game I don't care what game it is, even RTCW or MOH:AA.


If you want to talk Clan stuff, it isn't going to happen. Sorry, clans get kinda touchy about strats they use on maps and sharing them with the general public. About the only thing you can do is find a person with a clan tag, spectate and follow them to see what they do.

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You best bet on a public server is just to get lucky with some smart players. Usually the smart players are at least cognizant of what is going on in the map around them. They know if you are spending most of your team's time without the flag that they should go on defense. If you never have the enemies flag and they never have yours, a few need to move up to attack.


This however isn't team work really, it's just playing smart. Here are a few of my more favorite strategies on the current CTF maps that I play.


Nar Shadda:


On defense I tend to stand up above the flag where the Disruptor spawns. If you're a good sniper you can hit fairly well on the long straight walks everyone needs to follow to get to the flag, and you should see them coming. If you aren't a good sniper, I suggest taking a Repeater or Flechette up there, alt fire onto the people as they get close, and then attempt to sniper them as they run away.


I also like to play a 'zone' defense and move out to the area of the Remote and Rocket Launcher. As long as you're disciplined enough not to follow to far, you should always get a hit on someone coming in, and be a good last chance stop to attack someone even with Speed 3.


On offense I'm almost always the rogue capper type unless I have guild mates on Game Voice. I like to mix up the path I take to get to the flag, and then hit speed just after touching it while pointing towards their wall far wall. Then I either take the shaft up to the Disruptor or circle down bellow the Flag stand. To many people follow you rather than anticipate your moves, so you can lead them on a goose chase which might open up the path home.




One of the harder maps because a smart flag capper will take the Force Field with them, and then set it up just after getting into one of the side corridors. This is nearly impossible to stop unless you kill them before they leave the flag room. You're best bet is to run out the other door and hope you beat them to the middle common area. Once there, use heavy fire into their back even if they're running. Even a Blaster's alt fire works great as long as they aren't looking at you with a lightsaber open.


For offense, I just make sure and have a Force Field before grabbing the flag. Drop the shield as I run down a corridor at high speed and I almost always get away.




Hate this map. Best defense is a sentry gun blocking a running into the flag stand and a healthy dosage of force push or weapons with concussions to knock someone off. Another option is in the big middle room area to try and setup defenses there that allow you to push/pull or otherwise force a player to fall.


To cap here it really works best as a Light Jedi with Absorb and Speed 3. Turn Absorb on, grab the flag, speed run out and hope you cross the middle area before absorb runs out, because you'll be out of force power by the time you reach the area.


Imperial Base:


Two defense areas are the upper hallways leading to the flag and the lower hallways. Make sure someone is guarding both, or if that isn't possible sit on top the flag to guard both yourself. Haven't discovered any really good strategies with this map yet.

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Nar Shadda:

What I do? I'm usually a runner who takes the lower pathways on the right when entering enemy territory. Though pull-vulnerable, most people are to busy jumping up to the higher levels to notice but if they catch on, your cover's blown in the worst sort of way. I usually have my sabre drawn so i can roll my way across some of the sniper hotspots but turned off because that blue/red blade might as well be a big sign saying "LOOK AT ME!". This way is relatively safe and I can make it to the shadowed area under the sniper platform or the neon-lit pillars. From here I usually take the lift on the far left up to the sniper platform and have my way with any sniper who's too busy peering down the scope (push, grip, sabre, sentry gun.... take your pick). Getting home is usually a matter of speed and taking the most direct route, which usually is going straight down the middle and cutting corners by hopping up onto those higher catwalks and then straight up the middle again once you get on home turf.



Ahhh, the old temples. Whether they be the det packs or trip mines, xplosives are fun on this map, especially in the enclosed tunnel areas.

But there may be a few bugs to sort out. Flag bearers, especially blue, don't seem to be able to drop their flag at home base.



Coordination is needed here because this is a heavily defensive map. If you manage to not get pulled, pushed or otherwise thrown into the central bottomless pit, you still must battle through one of two close packed corridors leading around onto the flag platform. I usually don't use lightside powers but I can only suggest Mind Trick here. And once you grab the flag, you need not run back into the mess of 3-4 defenders armed with heavy repeaters and flechett guns. Its possible to force jump into the small window on the left (of course you must duck to get through). Not recommended if you don't have Absorb though.


In all maps, if you see your flag bearer race past you, chances are somebody is in hot pursuit. At least attempt to stop the pursuers, even if you die you've delayed them for a couple of seconds.

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