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min 2 players


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My first thought would be to use warmup times. That would give you the countdown type behavior you want. However, it wouldn't wait for 2 people to show up. There is a cvar in RtCW (also Q3 based) that I'm not sure made it into JK2. It's g_minGameClients and sets how many players need to be present before a game will "start". I don't remember there being a countdown associated with it. I'm not in a position to test the minGameClients cvar at the moment. If it does work, then perhaps a combination of that and warmup times would give you want you are looking for.

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Whether or not the client reads that value is unimportant. It's a server-side setting and affects how the server behaves, not the client (directly). If the setting doesn't work, however...I would classify that as a bug. I was checking the cvar list and didn't see sv_minclients. Perhaps I missed it.

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