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LAG issue with Multiplayer?? Please help


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I just bought this game and everything works fine... but it seems that everytime i join a server... my net connection always stopps and then resumes... and during play every min or so i get a "connection interupted" flash across my screen which usually habngs for like 3 seconds... i dunno why this is happneing. Another thing is that ive tried to setup a dedicated server for my friends to play on, all goes well except when they join, immediatly or after awhile, my freinds get kicked off and havbe a CL_parseentity notice... i dont get it whats wrong wit my game!!! Someone please help


My system Specs...


Athlon Thunderbird 1.4@1.554

512mb DDR ram

inno3d gf2 mx

dlink 10/100 NIC

soundblaster live mp3+


My net connection is...

ATT&T Roadrunner Cable internet

Linksys wireless +4port switch router

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1. Make sure your rate setting is correct. For your Internet connection, it should be 8000-10000. You can change your data rate in the Join menu. Since you're getting rather regular interruptions, that tells me that you've got something running in the background that's trying to connect every minute or so (could even be a virus). JK2 uses a TON of system resources. Shut down everything possible before running it.


2. Tell your friends, and yourself for that matter, to stop using the no-CD crack. It doesn't work in MP.

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