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Superman cape screenshots


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ok we gotta talk.. how in blazes did you managed to put that model in game?


Using max 4 with the import/export plugin provided by Raven... even if u just import the model..then export it without any changes... the model wont compile in assimilate.


Could you please tell me and sith how in blazes you did that?

We are both stumped here.

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yeh i used a custom freedom force skin ....


How did i do it

okay i designed the cape in lightwave 7.0 then imported to 3ds

then opened up in 3dmax used the export to md3 somthing like that, then loaded it up in MD3View.exe then once loaded up exported to glm and then, loaded up my superman, Lando as a default, and attached to cape to the model saved as a glm so then the model had'nt changed i just added somthing on to it, hence the low polycount for the cape replace the Lando default to the new default skin ....then added the skin to the model folder and showed the default skin where to put the cape skin and ...................Done.





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no its a new model m8

with a new super cape.jpg texture


listen all you have to do is make sure that the model knows where to look for the skin.


in the model_default_super.skin you have texture paths,

all i did was added in this




i and saved it and done worked first time lol yeh right

okay then the 100th time.




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yes its a new cape ...Lando stays the same


you have to do that otherwise the game itself reads from the




notices a file etc wrong with the model, i guess the game would crash, Well actauly saying that it did a few times,

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Lovett, Are you saying that you can get a New Player Model Into JO?


I read everything, but you lost the hell out of me.


I heard someone had gotten some models in, but never heard from the guy again.


Please tell me you figured it out, and that it's simple...

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I was using your skin last night and I saw 2 problems with it.


1) When using the skin myself, ol' Supes has no neck. You could see the saber through the gap where his neck was supposed to be.


2) When used as a bot, all I got was Lando in regular clothes with some red underwear on. Amsuing sure, but a bug for definite.


Good work altogether. I'll 100% be upgrading when you release this.

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ha well i just passed him over to single player lol looks good on the ladder duel level, Added the music from the superman movie,

and a taunt,


i thought about trying to get him to fly, but then i thought slow gravity down and jump and you clearly see him flying just he dont come down for ages







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