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My opinion about Jedi Knight


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If you don't care don't read. Ive been playing Jedi Outcast for about a week now and have come to several conclusions.


Multiplay Game Types

Free For All: Fun mode sometimes but usually it seems like everyone hands near a common dueling area with lightning to try and kill alot of weakened foes. For some reason everyone seems to set these servers to no guns yet max force...thus your shooting lightning rather then lasers. Overall its only fun when you find a game with some good people who will duel or let two people fight, etc.


Capture the Ysalimari: One of my favorite game modes. I like this mode 10 times better than Capture the flag simply because it takes teamwork. Rather then one person force speeding in, grabbing the flag, and force speeding out it takes some fancy moving to get out of their base and cap the flag with no force powers. Also in this mode ive had 2 or 3 (in a weeks time) instances where I killed the person with my teams Ysalimari steps before they capped. I would like to see this mode more and less CTF. Max force in this mode is not really a problem and can actually improve gameplay I think.


Duel: Another fun mode that I enjoy, though once again only when its on lower force settings. With no force its ok but I miss the saber throw as its a good counter to DFA spammers. The main concern with this mode is heal and drain. Sure they can be countered and they are not that big of deal but in my opinion they really slow the game down. Just tonight I spent 5 minutes chasing a guy while he ran circles around me trying to regain force to heal....in my opinion this is quite a boring fight. Also I think that being able to heal promotes the headless chicken style which many people use.


Holocron/Jedi Knight: I havn't really played these. Jedi Knight mode was not very fun the one time I did play because it forced me to use guns when I prefer a saber combat. Holocron I just have not tried.


Force Powers

Neutral: I enjoy the neutral powers most of all, and as ive said before I would like to see a neutral power only game mode. Jump is always useful. Push and pull can be used in a fight for some fun. Speed and sight are less commonly used but I think its only because dumping 6 points into force sight would put you at a disadvantage since everyone else dumps them into drain or heal. Force throw is one of the best powers in my opinion because its a perfect counter to the DFA spammers, headless chickeners who come at you swinging, and for people who jump alot.


Light Side: I find all but the heal and mindtrick useless. Ive tried using absorb but it never seems to activate unless I activate it at the start of a fight....but in doing so the enemy knows and does not bother using drain. While a person is draining or lightning me absorb never seems to go on. Im not sure if its the power or me but I don't really like it much. Protect ive never really used. Mindtrick can be really useful but from what ive learned on these boards peopel with the saber glow mod can see your saber glow and thus your invis is useless--course you can easily turn your saber off. I havn't spent much time using mindtrick. Heal is useful of course but tends to slow fights down and drag battles out.


Dark Side: Ive never used grip in multiplay and I laugh at most people who try. 8 out of 10 tiems a gripper who tries to throw me off a ledge ends up flying off himself. Drain I think is a stupid power simply because the dark side of the force is not based on healing. I think with a little imagination they could have made drain do something besides feeding the enemies force power into the drainers health. Lightning I use sometimes but not often. To me this power serves one main purpose--kill stealing. You sit in a crowded room and give it a few seconds for people to lower each others health then you rush in and lightning the group for 4 easy kills. I don't bother doing this because its really no fun and fun is the reason I play the game. Rage ive never touched, ive seen it used occasionally but it seems useless to me.



Overall im rather happy with the way guns work. In Dark Forces 2 the main style of fighting in multiplay was to engage force speed and run around dropping proximity mines--yawn. Other modes were to simply shoot the concusion or many other guns that could not be countered.


In Jedi Outcast most guns can be countered. The rockets can be pushed back, lasers blocked, snipers dodged (another nice use of force see). There are a couple of guns like the secondary fire on the pea shooter that need fixed I think. Area damage that shoots almost fully automatic tends to make the game boring. Same goes for the fletch gun that shoots those explosive balls. There are ways to dodge and counter both of these guns but in small areas (which most maps are mainly composed of) these guns just take away half of the fun. I think they could make a lightsaber absorb the damage from the pea shooter 2ndary attack and perhaps an auto defense of the little ball bombs would "bat" them back toward the person. Seeing that the game is based around jedi I think a lightsaber should be able to block just about any gun though there may be other ways to "fix" this.


Lightsaber Combat

Overall im happy with the lightsaber combat. My favorite style is medium. I light light but in my opinion it has to short of range and the only way to really use light is with the headless chicken style. Also most of the time people have heal and so they heal as fast as a light saber can damage. I think it would be interesting for them to add more moves but this would require balancing. My main peave with saber combat is how some of the moves play out. The best example is obvious the death from above attack. Once this attack is preformed and the saber is on the ground it should no longer be as leathal, yet it still is. Further I don't think the light style should have longer range. As someone said in another post--it seems backwards. With light jabs you would think you would be able to swing the saber out farther. I think overall the 3 styles could use a bit of tweaking.





Overall im happy with the game and it seems the key to having fun in multiplay is simply finding the servers with some good people in them.

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I too enjoy Capture the Ysalamiri, but it's either too easy or too hard. I assume you're talking about Saber-only servers. This makes the game too damn easy because once you have the ysalamiri, there's not much that the other team can do. However if you mean non-SaberOnly, then I believe that is too damn hard. The only way to counter guns is with force, so by the time you've grabbed that damn flag, you've got this big colored shell around you that says, "SHOOT ME! I CANT DO A DAMN THING ABOUT IT!".


This is why I actually prefer CTF... either way you have to work even more strategy into the game.

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Kraxz, im refering to guns allowed. Without guns the mode is dumb. With guns it is hard and thats why its fun. With teamwork you can win and usually only with teamwork. Often times I follow someone in and they take the flag, then I use my force, since its not negated, and stop their persuit. I shoot them, stab at them, push, pull....whatever it takes to make them pay attention to me and to slow them down.


Hence the reason I think the game mode is fun. The reason I think its not popular is because everyone wants the game to be easy...there idea of fun is a race to see who can cap the fastest. With guns enabled you really have to think and use teamwork to win.

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Yeah, you're right. CTY takes the most strategy and teamwork when you have guns enabled. Unfortunately, 90% of the people that play with guns think they're playing Quake 3 Arena or something, and it's impossible to get anyone to use teamwork.


All they care about is to see how many people they can "smash" with their heavy repeater.

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