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I can't figure out how to ban==and it's becoming a problem


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Sorry. I'm sure this is written somewhere.


I'm running the jkded for win2k dedicated server proggy thing. I've got a background in programming, and I've messed with Quakeiii's console a bunch, but I can't figure out how to get this dang thing to


A) show me an offender's IP

B) ... well actually I DO know how to add it to the banips list once I get the damn thing but... see a


I realize that there's an answer in the FAQ that says I'm supposed to use 'net_ip' or 'showip' to figure it out. When I used those commands on the dedicated server, it says back 'net_ip is localhost' or in the case of showip, doesn't do anything.

When I connect, net_ip still says localhost, and showip tells me my ip. It's very irritating, especially since it seems like a simple thing. I checked the various logs, and they don't have ip information, nor does the extremely verbose stream-of-conciousness updates in the server console.


Please tell me how to grab an ip. I had to kick a guy 45 times tonight under 5 names because I couldn't figure out how to get his fricking ip.


If this is a common question, please send this to my email account instead of taking up board space. Thanks and sorry to hassle you.

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That was a big help.

It's a shame that it's so clumsy, but it sure beats putting up with morons.


I feel like a dumbass for not checking to see what status does. I assumed it would dump a bunch of server variables like numclientsconnected and serverip -- stuff I don't care about.


Thanks again! 2 points and a cookie for each of you.

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