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how to make sp better


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Not sure about the skin, I think you would have to do something with the pk3, but there may be an easier way of doing it.

As for the lightsaber u could just enable cheats by going to the console (shift and the normal console key, just above tab and left of 1) and typing


Then to get the lightsaber I think u type

\give lightsaber

if that don't work type

\give all

which will give u all the weapons including the saber

To enable all the force powers type

\setforceall 3

also u can do

\setforceall 9

This will make a couple of the powers more poweful, like mind trick u can actually control people, and grip u can grip em from a long way away and move em quicker :)


[edit]U can also change the colour of ur saber by typing



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Originally posted by rodney24

thanks guys i really appreciate it was also wondering if you guys play on a specific server usually it would be cool to play with jediknightii message board buddies instead of random people all the time a usa person <<<



I`m thinking of setting up a MP game but I only have 512k cable connection but if any one is interested post you email address and i will contact you :D

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